I worked in the "accounting department" at the conventions, so I can provide some insight into this:
The disctrict conventions were ALWAYS paid for upfront by the WTS, so there were never any deficits. In fact, all monies collected would go straight to the society. Announcements were only to "encourage expressing our gratitude" for all the hard work the WTS put forth in preparing the convention. Sundays were always a big hit for contributions. And at the end of the day we would simply reconcile the accounts.
Now, for circuit and special day assemblies, all contributions had to PAY THE SOCIETY BACK! Any deficit was the amount owed back to the society. The people in attendance were responsible for sharing the cost of the weekend. The decifit would be announced to make everyone feel guilty for not contributing. However, it was a false sense of deficit, as most of the contributions would have come in at the end of the session on Sunday anyway. But it does give a big "shock factor" when it is announced, and has led many to believe "how could we have a deficit???" In extreme cases, the deficit would be carried out to the congragation level, where during a service meeting it would be announced how much per person it works out to. Talk about forced contributions! If that's not a direct substitute for a "collections plate", I don't know what is.
Bottom line, all contributions go to the society, even when the society owns the building they charge a usage fee (this was true in Ontario --- the hall in Norval near Georgetown has been owned and fully paid up for decades.... now the society charges a usage or rental fee for circuit assemblies... imagine that).
I didn't really think much of it at the time, but now I see the light! lol