Oh my , This is dispicable.
JoinedPosts by recovering
Do you suppose NastiCanasta is a 'mole' from "Watchtower" Facebook Group?
by ziddina in(sure hope this is the correct place for this topic).
i was reading nasticanasta's comments on a couple of threads, and it occurred to me that, since so many have gone into the jehovah's witness sites on facebook and have - uh, let's say, 'played a role'.... do you suppose a few of those ardent, blindly faithful jehovah's witnesses have buzzed in here to wreak revenge?.
a - ha!!
"my dad was High Ranking DO"
DOs are ranked? If so by what criteria?
Were You "Afraid" Of The Elders?
by minimus indid you view them as men who truly cared about you?.
did your heart sink in fear when an elder came to talk to you?.
were the elders nothing special to you?.
Growing up my mother used the elders as a club, I dispised these men after a while due to their failure to realize what was really going on was my mother was using them to frighten me and further abuse me. You see my mother physically abused me as a child . It is interesting to me when i was a teenager (still being physically abused) and said I was going to the elders, she would say "how dare you take personal family matters to the elders if you do i will kick you out. I was told this at 14 years of age.
Eventually I did tell an elder, What was his response? "Well this is a tough situation you know your mother is from a diffrent culture" he said.
never did he even ask her about it. The coward. After this I was no longer afraid of them . You see I knew then that they where just men and really where not men of god deserving of respect. The sad part is I am now so very cynical of all institutions government, religous, and secular. I know this is a sad way to live (lonely) but I am working on rebuilding my faith in humanity.
Is THIS the best of all POSSIBLE worlds?
by Terry inis this the best of all possible worlds?.
if it isn't, wouldn't that be the best possible proof that a benevolent and all-powerful deity had nothing to do with creating it?.
if a loving and benevolent creator was going to create a world--why make one with a built-in self-destruct mechanism??.
Wow I don't know if you realize it Terry the question you asked was addressed in Voltaire’s work Candide. In this work he uses satire to attack the view of the church and the politicians of his day for their belief that " All is for the best in this the best of all POSSIBLE worlds" He demonstrates that this is not the case by using satire to prove his point. There are many striking similarities in his satire that can be revealing about the logical errors of the WTBS beliefs for example...
One of the episodes related in the novel is that of an evil rich man who loses everything in a ship wreck (armegedon) The passengers on the ship drown . Voltaire asks why would god kill the innocent just to punish the guilty. Look at the response the charecters have.
—You see, said Candide to Martin, crime is punished sometimes; this scoundrel of a Dutch merchant has met the fate he deserved. —Yes, said Martin; but did the passengers aboard his ship have to perish too? God punished the scoundrel, the devil drowned the others
Isn't this remenicent of the of the belief that Jehovah will destroy all those at armegeddon who are not JWs. They give the credit to god for saving themselves , however they feel that god the most powerful being of all can't or won't stop the devil from killing all the others including babies children and those who have never heard his message.
Note: please forgive my writing style I know i am not eloquent
Satan Is in the Vatican, Catholic Exorcist Says
by recovering inwhen i saw this headline i could not help but wonder if the real reason the wbts is leaving the headquarters in brooklyn is related to the sex abuse scandals (if you follow the logic of the priest quoted in the story below) perhaps the headquarters is possesed by satan and that is the reason for the pedophilia scandals.
satan is in the vatican, catholic exorcist says .
aol news(march 10) -- the rev.
When I saw this headline I could not help but wonder if the real reason the WBTS is leaving the headquarters in Brooklyn Is related to the sex abuse scandals (if you follow the logic of the priest quoted in the story below) Perhaps the headquarters is possesed by Satan and that is the reason for the pedophilia scandals.
Satan Is in the Vatican, Catholic Exorcist Says
AOL News (March 10) -- The Rev. Gabriele Amorth, the man who has served as the Vatican's chief exorcist for 25 years, says the signs are there: The devil has infiltrated St. Peter's.
Specifically, Amorth cites recent sexual abuse and pedophilia scandals as well as what he deems a cover-up in the shooting deaths of two of the Vatican's Swiss Guards and one of the guard's wives as proof that the Catholic Church's most famous site is less than pure. for the full story click on the link below http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/satan-is-in-the-vatican-says-catholic-exorcist-gabriele-amorth/19392201 -
How many people are online now?
by Quirky1 init would be nice to see who is online with jwn at one time...
here in new england
Scientology Down to 25,000 Members?
by cameo-d inhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/07/us/07scientology.html.
it was all built on lies, mr. collbran said.
Gayle your comment made me search on the web if there was a jehovah's witness reform group this is what i found.
here are the issues that they are seeking to reform
» Repression of Thought » Institutionally Enforced Shunning
» Organizational Idolatry -
Scientology Down to 25,000 Members?
by cameo-d inhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/07/us/07scientology.html.
it was all built on lies, mr. collbran said.
Does this not sound just like what goes on with the witnesses?
1 Shunning People who disagree
"...accept the consequences as their parents, siblings and friends who are church members cut off all communication with them," according to the Times."
2 The characterazation of dissenters as apostates who can not be trusted.
"Meanwhile, Scientology officials have responded as they have to previous allegations -- they've denied everything and said that the disgruntled ex-members are apostates who can't be trusted. "
Here is the full article link
You must not eat any "FAT"
by juci32 inif the witnesses follow the old law of "not eating blood" (even though the bible is pertaining to animal blood) then why do they not adhere to the command to avoid fat?
in leviticus 3:17 it states: 'this is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: you must not eat any fat or any blood.'".
there is fat in almost every meat we eat.
They (WTBS) claim that they are no longer bound by the Mosaic law. That the prohibition regarding eating of blood was uttered by The apostle Paul.
Acts 21:25 (English Standard Version)
25 But as for the Gentiles who have believed, ( A ) we have sent a letter with our judgment that they should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, [ a ] and from sexual immorality."
New light on blood?
by Mickey mouse inthis is prompted by barbara's new article at freeminds and a message someone sent to my youtube account a month ago.. there are rumours that there will be "new light" this year about blood transfusions.
if this happens, i for one will be speaking up and asking who is accountable for all the lives lost due to the wt's death dealing policy.
this is an opportunity for all those who still have some connections with jws to make people think..
Mickey mouse are you sure we should be raising this issue if the WTBS is indeed thinking of changing the no blood transfusion policy . I understand where you are coming from. However, I have mixed feelings , about speaking up and asking who is accountable for all the lives lost due to the WT's death dealing policies. On the one hand people should know about the harmful policies of the WTBS ,on the other hand I am afraid if they are exposed they will continue with their hardline attitude torwards blood transfusions. If they continue with this hard line aproach even more people will die.