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I want to tell you my story:-(
by Deltawave inwhy am i here on this site?
why have i lost my faith in this version of christianity?
it's simple.
I feel your pain . Abusing your children and then blackmailing them is very common in this cult. I experienced the same torture. -
Truly a legend. I saw him perform at his nightclub in NYC -
Need Help
by ThisFellowCheap ini'm in dire need of assitance, and i have decided to humbly come here.... first, let me reintroduce myself.
my name is kolabomi, a nigerian and a proud one too.
i am a graduate student in one of my country's leading university.
Everyone please check out this posters previous started threads. he is a troll please do not be fooled. -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
6 hours agoOnline court records list the race of three of the officers charged in the Freddie Gray case as black and list the three others in the broad category of "white, Caucasian, Asiatic Indian, Arab" without specifying.
The above I was not aware of. So basically 3 black cops, 2 other minority cops, and 1 white cop.
I was aware and again I say this was not a racial incident. This was another example of the police attitude towards the citizenry in the US. They have an us against them mentality . To the police every citizen is a potential felon and as such are treated with disrespect.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Simon this what second degree murder is defined as in this country. Intent to kill need not be an element of the crime. Please see the citation I have provided below...
Depraved-heart murder is the form of murder that establishes that the willful doing of a dangerous and reckless act with wanton indifference to the consequences and perils involved, is just as blameworthy, and just as worthy of punishment, when the harmful result ensues, as is the express intent to kill itself. This highly blameworthy state of mind is not one of mere negligence.... It is not merely one even of gross criminal negligence.... It involves rather the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless and wanton unconcern and indifference as to whether anyone is harmed or not. The common law treats such a state of mind as just as blameworthy, just as anti-social and, therefore, just as truly murderous as the specific intents to kill and to harm.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
1. The initial arrest was illegal. The police had no probable cause for the arrest.
And the charge for this is what? Is it something that you charge people for (criminally)
Yes there is a charge it is called,1 false arrest and 2 official misconduct.
So violating policy - again, what charge does this carry?
3. The way that Mr Gray was transported in the van was against police department policy.
Policy policy policy. What charge?
Again official misconduct and criminally negligent homicide.
5 The medical examiner has determined that Mr Gray's death was a homicide, and it was determined that Mr Gray could not have self inflicted his injuries.
We already knew he died. All this says is that he didn't kill himself and it wasn't an accident (like a falling tree). It doesn't ascribe any intent.
Criminally negligent homicide does not need to have intent proven as one of the elements of the crime.
Here is the legal definition....
Negligent homicide is the killing of another person through gross negligence or without malice. It often includes death that is the result of the negligent operation of a motor vehicle, which includes the operation of a boat or snowmobile. It is characterized as a death caused by death by conduct that grossly deviated from ordinary care. Negligent homicide may be charged as a lesser-included offense of manslaughter. It is also sometimes referred to as "involuntary manslaughter".
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Also remember that this is 6 million in a municipality that caps the settlement awards at 200 thousand per incident. -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
What do we know for sure Simon?
1. The initial arrest was illegal. The police had no probable cause for the arrest.
2. The police officers broke department policy by not rendering medical attention to Mr Gray
3. The way that Mr Gray was transported in the van was against police department policy.
4. There where unreported stops that the police van made .
5 The medical examiner has determined that Mr Gray's death was a homicide, and it was determined that Mr Gray could not have self inflicted his injuries.
6. Baltimore police have a known history of using these rides to inflict injury to persons in custody.( The police Chief, former Baltimore policemen , as well as previous court decisions have already spoken of to this)
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Why are you so hell bent on defending the policeman Simon. Even the arrest has been deemed illegal in the first place. The refusal of the policemen to render medical aid is a crime .The inconsistencies in the police accounts should give you room for pause. The pattern of abuse by Baltimore PD was well known. Please read what a former Baltimore detective commented....
The place where prosecutors say Freddie Gray was fatally injured - the back of a Baltimore police van - is “like a black hole,” a former detective told the Daily News.
“Nobody can see what’s going on over there,” Joseph Crystal said Friday - and that was apparently how cops liked it.
The department “has a history of covering up wrongdoing,” the 31-year-old said.
Crystal was a detective in the BPD until Aug. 14 of last year, when he says he was hounded off the force for blowing the whistle on police brutality.
Crystal had the guts to tell Baltimore officials what he’d seen on Oct. 27, 2011, when a handcuffed drug suspect was taken out of a police van to the home of an off-duty officer named Anthony Williams at Williams’ request.
Crystal later testified that Williams dragged the suspect, Antoine Green, into the back of the house where he began beating him
Do I support rioting ? No , However I do support justice.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
It is not a question of police officers abusing race as I see it. It is a question of police officers abusing the citizens in general. They are not mandated to be judge jury and executioners. I am going to relate to you an experience my younger brother had. He has never been convicted of so much as a misdemeanor by the way. He was about 21 at the time of the incident . He slapped a street sign as he was walking down the street. (this is not against the law btw) He was beat up by 2 police officers . He was handcuffed then put in the back of a police cruiser. He asked what he was being arrested for. They laughed at him. He then requested that his rights be read. The officers laughed and proceeded to read him his rights in Spanish (my brother is an American who was born in the US). They then decided to give him a ride. They repeatedly slammed on the cruiser brakes causing my brothers face to be cut up by the grate that separates the officers from the prisoners. I was notified by one of his friends that he was arrested. I of course went right down to the police station. Low and behold he was still not there. I traveled over 1/2 an hour to get to the police station. where my brother was arrested was less than 5 minutes from the station. I left the station and waited for him to call. I guess when they finally got to the station the booking officer had a fit. You see one of my uncles happens to be a county judge and low and behold the police chief happens to be the godfather to my half sister. All of a sudden all record of his arrest disappeared. I picked up my brother at 3 am . My brother and I later talked to the police chief who assured us that the officers would be disciplined internally.
My point is not all victims of police abuse are criminals as some of you believe. We are a nation of laws . These laws must apply to all citizen and police alike. If this is not the case civil unrest most assuredly will occur. Is the looting justified? Of course not!!! Should police be held to a higher standard? Of course. Only in this way can they become respected by the community.