1. The initial arrest was illegal. The police had no probable cause for the arrest.
And the charge for this is what? Is it something that you charge people for (criminally)
Yes there is a charge it is called,1 false arrest and 2 official misconduct.
So violating policy - again, what charge does this carry?
3. The way that Mr Gray was transported in the van was against police department policy.
Policy policy policy. What charge?
Again official misconduct and criminally negligent homicide.
5 The medical examiner has determined that Mr Gray's death was a homicide, and it was determined that Mr Gray could not have self inflicted his injuries.
We already knew he died. All this says is that he didn't kill himself and it wasn't an accident (like a falling tree). It doesn't ascribe any intent.
Criminally negligent homicide does not need to have intent proven as one of the elements of the crime.
Here is the legal definition....
Negligent homicide is the killing of another person through gross negligence or without malice. It often includes death that is the result of the negligent operation of a motor vehicle, which includes the operation of a boat or snowmobile. It is characterized as a death caused by death by conduct that grossly deviated from ordinary care. Negligent homicide may be charged as a lesser-included offense of manslaughter. It is also sometimes referred to as "involuntary manslaughter".