Evidently, there are 2 groups, Jesus said!!
W T F!!!!
it is painful to read.
check out the 1/15/14 wt.
i am going to throw an invisible party to celebrate.
Evidently, there are 2 groups, Jesus said!!
W T F!!!!
another tidbit of information about this generation from the 1/15/2014 study edition under "let your kingdom come - but when?".
they've changed it again.. this generation will not pass away14-16.
what is a third reason for believing that gods kingdom will come soon?.
How do people still believe??? Most of my family and some friends that I love are still in, I wish I can say something to make them realize how seriosly ridiculous this religion really is. There is no reasoning with them. I guess the hope of never dying makes them blind and desperate to believe in this false hope.
If a man comes down today from a mountain and says "I saw a burning light and heard a voice, this is what God's will is, (fill in the blanks) Not one person would believe. Everyone would say he's crazy. Meanwhile, someone claims it was done 3500+ years ago and... they believe.
I left almost 10 years ago, never looked back. WHAT A FANTASTIC DECISION to leave this %$%^^ Bullshit!!!
can i ask for your opinion?
i have been disfellowshipped and divorced for a few years.
my ex-wife and my daughter have cut off all contact from me.
Religion and ex-wives can't stop you from seeing your daughter. I wouldn't give in to that at all. Make sure your rights as a dad are respected, use the courts to see her. Don't become a deadbeat dad, you will lose your daughter forever. Why would you not fight to see her?
not sure how many here have watched this... but make a coffee and make the time to do so.... its edutainment ;) .
My fav is when he questions the jesus freak and finally says to him, if you love Jesus so much and want to join him in heaven, why don't you kill yourself.
i don't get it.
(and i don't care about america's "royalty" either)..
Lady Diana would be a grandma now, wow we're getting old quickly.
jehovah's witness mother ends relationship with atheist son.source http://lefthemispheres.blogspot.ca/2012/06/letter-jehovahs-witness-mother-ends.htmlhttp://davetrash.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/the-letter/.
Seems like she's seeking the glory of man, which she will get from the WT and their sheepies, maybe even an interview at the BIG DC on how righteous she is.
Stupid and sad how you can put BS before family. Very insulting to God thinking he allows and approves this unloving act.
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
What twisted, mental disease does one have, when they believe that whatever they say God will do?
It's a shame how they make the Creator look like a lunatic.
a real dwelling for the faithful.
dwelling for his name people today?
8, 9. in what ways did jehovah prove to be a. real dwelling for jacob, and what can we learn.
New Light: Satan=Don Corleone "The Godfather"
Thanks Blondie, I enjoy our family worship session every week. Keep it up!!
i was raised as a jw, most of my family is still in, i regular pioneered for 5 years, elder for even longer.
preached for over 40 years that the 1914 generation will see the end, etc, etc... believed every single word, and preached it with total conviction.. i have not been active for approx 7 years, completely faded now, mainly because i couldn't believe a loving god would destroy me, after coming to terms with and admiting i was preaching a lie.. i'm extremely happy i'm out, although still hitched to it somehow by my past, i guess like many of us on here.. i do have a question for all jws.. how can "god, who cannot lie" a god which is love, justify destroying the world, including all of us that left, and saving only the jws, when for decades one of the main teachings of the jws has proved to be a lie?
a teaching no one wants to discuss anymore, which got covered up by a new light, which most can't even explain.
I was raised as a jw, most of my family is still in, I regular pioneered for 5 years, elder for even longer. preached for over 40 years that the 1914 generation will see the end, etc, etc... Believed every single word, and preached it with total conviction.
I have not been active for approx 7 years, completely faded now, mainly because I couldn't believe a loving God would destroy me, after coming to terms with and admiting I was preaching a LIE.
I'm extremely happy I'm out, although still hitched to it somehow by my past, I guess like many of us on here.
I do have a question for all JWs.
How can "God, who cannot lie" a GOD which IS Love, justify destroying the world, including all of us that left, and saving only the JWs, when for decades one of the main teachings of the JWs has proved to be a LIE?
A teaching no one wants to discuss anymore, which got covered up by a new light, which most can't even explain. Some still think that the teaching has never been updated. They haven't realized yet that the 1914 generation are all DEAD.
Wouldn't destroying the "world" according to JWs, be against everything a moral, righteous and loving "God, who cannot lie" do?
great news!.
women please read.. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/style/study-reveals-women-are-better-off-without-bras.html.
drop those bras!!
Great News!
Women please read.
Drop those bras!!!