The numbers would be more realistic if the field reports were anonymous. Everyone would be more honest. But since all the judging from the elders and CO's are based on those reports, majority panic and show up on Saturday or Sunday mornings, even if it would be the last thing they would want to do. Fear of man is what propels this group more than fear of God.
Posts by fedup
How many JW's would get FIRED if the WT would be paying them to preach?
by fedup in2011 preaching results:.
hours preached: 1.7b.
new baptized: 263k.
How many JW's would get FIRED if the WT would be paying them to preach?
by fedup in2011 preaching results:.
hours preached: 1.7b.
new baptized: 263k.
2011 preaching results:
Hours preached: 1.7B
New Baptized: 263K
If we do the math, it took about 6,464 hours of preaching to have 1 person baptized in 2011. An average publisher preaches about 10 hours per month, therefore, it takes 1 publisher almost 54 years of preaching to convert 1 person into a jw. This is without subtracting the jw's kids that may almost be half of the newly baptized.
Does the WT still write that door to door preaching is the most efficient way to spread the good news?
Daily Show References WT Masturbation Video
by MrFreeze indon't remember it being brought up here and something made me think of it so i thought i'd post it here.. here's the link from the segment.
it shows up at around the 5:45 mark of the clip: .
ok, sorry, it works and it's hilarious
Daily Show References WT Masturbation Video
by MrFreeze indon't remember it being brought up here and something made me think of it so i thought i'd post it here.. here's the link from the segment.
it shows up at around the 5:45 mark of the clip: .
Doesnt show in Canada, I'd love to see it. Can the video be posted on here
HELP! I've stepped in it now... mast head change - JW response!
by NeverKnew inhe's asking if i've read the first page of the new watchtower.. says page 8 admits and exposes the society's mistaken expectations.. says that both mags have been adjusted to reflect the understanding of generation.
asking if it is my position that witnesses have made claims to be inspired prophets.... and saying if it is, maybe *we* can consider together some examples in the bible of others who have had wrong expectations and have gone ahead of god's timetable and see how god handled that..
" When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told."
George Carlin
Old time JW's did some very devout JW's refuse to eat pizza with pepperroni because they believed "blood" was in the pepperroni?
by booker-t ini have never heard this before until i read a life story of an ex-jws and how some jws in the past refused to eat pepperoni pizza because they thought blood was in pepperoni.
i do know some elderly jw sisters would complain about eating steak if it bled while cooking.
has anybody else heard of this pizza nonsense?.
I remember the pepporoni and lecithin ban in the 80's, in Canada. I guess it never caught on anywhere else.
It was a competition on who could come up with the craziest shit, so they can feel righteous.
Very funny video explaining why dying for the sake of refusing blood makes no sense biblically
by cedars ini'm becoming increasingly intrigued by the work of jwfairytale, who posts videos on youtube giving his take on all things jw related.
i don't think his stuff is for everyone.
he's clearly quite emotional about his jw experience, and i can see his language and face paint ruffling the feathers of the more easily offended jws.
This is the best argument that I've seen yet which ridicules WT and the blood issue.
You don't have to present new info to take them down, the WT and their articles do it themselves.
Really good video and post
My letter to elders. Just drafted... PLEASE tell me what you think... Greybeard
by Greybeard into: all elders in the grover beach congregation of jehovah witnesses, the watchtower corporation and governing body of "jehovah witnesses" .
from: gregg blasingame.
cc: watchtower inc.. dear brothers,.
I think you are telling them too much.
In my opinion, they just don't care, the jdubs will think you are crazy and the only outcome for you is that it will get you df'd.
They will see it as an attack on Jehovah's organization. They can't seperate Jehovah from the Watchtower, it's one entity to them.
They will announce that you are no longer a jw. If you're not bluffing, get ready for a long and painful fight.
All the best amigo
2012 Annual Meeting: MORE notes...
by Ultimate Reality infrom a reliable source...provides further confirmation on the gb's new status.
these are from the symposium part on the new light.. .
jeoff jackson - how is spiritual food prepared?.
Behold - The New FDS of 2012
Best EZ 1 Liners to Say to Witnesses?
by LV101 inany suggestions?
attending an invite (strange we're invited but hoping to make it worth my while) but i don't want to suffer big consequences as i've already said enough wrong stuff.
i'm stuck reading hassan's ccmc book (about half way --- just don't have time and not into it).
Rutherford, he was biblical, wasn't he?