Raised in it since 1970, was the goodie JW for many years, pioneer, ms, elder, etc... went through the 1975 bs and stayed, confused about the generation teaching and started the fading process in 1995, however, still thought I needed it, maybe I was wrong, is it really the best way to live, not sure where to go, still attended some meetings, assemblies and memorial, then for me the biggest WTF moment was this:
When I researched 1918 claim that Jesus inspected religions and only chose The Watchtower.
How do they know that? An incredible claim indeed.
So I researched the WT's situation in 1918. The Judge and all his antics, bullying into the presidency, driving expensive cars, 2 homes in Cali, 1st class trips around the world to give speeches, never took his wife but his secretary, never went in service, a known alchoholic, crazy teachings that make no sense at all, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff.
I'm still upset at myself for giving the WT so many years of my life. Regardless, It's nice to be FREE!