JoinedTopics Started by JCISGOD98
JWs Most Feared Bible Verse
by JCISGOD98 inthe jehovah witnesses most feared bible verse.
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Who Did The Early Church Call Upon? Jesus or Jehovah?
by JCISGOD98 inwhose name was the early church calling upon?.
jesus or jehovah?.
acts 9:14 a verse jehovah's witnesses can't explain!.
Is Rev 5:11-14 Worship or Obeisance?
by JCISGOD98 ini asked a jw last week the following question, "is revelation 5:11-14 a worship act to the lamb or an act of obeisance?.
revelation 5:11-14 nwt states and i saw, and i heard a voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: the lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.
because it's an act of worship and it is not allow in your kingdom hall.
Salvation-The Watchtower's Way or the Bible's Way
by JCISGOD98 inmy bestfriend adonoyechod wrote an excellent message titled humor and sarcasm.
it is true, we must remember the purpose why we are on these message board.
it is not to just to win the argument but to win the lost for christ.
Old Light Vs New Light. The Light is not Bright
by RevJohn inold light vs. new light
the lighter is not bright .
the watchtower writes "if we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us; undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two years ago would be regarded as darkness now.
What will a JW do if the Watchtower changes.......
by JCISGOD98 insince the watchtower is known infamously for changing doctrine back and forth and they can't make up their minds at the headquarters, i was wondering about an important question that should be asked to every jehovah's witness that you may come across with.
what happens if the watchtower changes a doctrine that they now consider old light?
let me elaborate on this question.
Test A JW with the Following Questions
by youdontknowhim indo you believe test
see old watchtower magazine from prior to 1930 known as the watchtower herald of christs presence.
the watchtower; sept. 15, 1922; page 278; jesus returned in 1874 to power.. .
NWT Bible has Clarity and clear language
by youdontknowhim inthe watchtower writes about their wonderful new world translation: .
"outstanding among bibles is the new world translation of the christian greek scriptures...accuracy, uniformity, clarity, and up-to-date language mark this excellent work.
according to the watchtower the nwt has accuracy, uniformity and most of clarity and up to date language.
Apostate Material is pornographic Baby
by JCISGOD98 in"stay away from apostate material baby, it's pornographic saith
the watchtower!
jehovahs witnesses encourages their followers to stay away from apostate literature.
144,000 pagans or annointed
by JCISGOD98 incharles russell the first president of the watchtower believed and taught that the anointed ones, which are the 144,000 who go heaven, began to be chosen just as soon as the church began, and by the end of the first century most of them were chosen.
the watchtower of february 1, 1975, page 84 reiterated that jehovah god started selecting the 144,000 nineteen hundred years ago.
history tells us that this persecuted church continued for several centuries, so there were many years during which the true church existed and expanded.