Thanks for sharing this, Lilly. I'm saving this to read over again later. I admire your patience and kindness.
this brother who is new to the local hall has no clue i am an apostate in the wt's eyes.
he was with a sister who also did not know me.
we had a great conversation for 30 minutes about jesus the 144,000 and the heavenly calling.
Thanks for sharing this, Lilly. I'm saving this to read over again later. I admire your patience and kindness.
am i the only one who notices a couple of problems with this?.
first of all, passover is on 15 nisan, not 14.. the sheep should prove to be sound, a male, a year old, for you.
you may pick from the young rams or from the goats.
The thing that stood out to me as a "mistake" was Luke 22:19, translated as "This MEANS my body." I have never seen that in any translation. Even the NWT almost always translates that word "is" except here, and in the other "Communion" passages. wow. They're putting in their own opinion/commentary/paraphrase into a so called actual translation!!
"Third person singular present indicative of ε?μ? (G1510) " (Strongs)
This is so egregious! Even though there have been reams written about the exact meaning of "is" here, no Protestant scholar would translate that word as "means".
Hey, this solves the whole historical Eucharistic controversy! If i'm ever arguing with a Catholic, i'll just whip out my NWT, and say, look, it means "means" not IS. Problem solved. LOL.
going through an old filing cabinet i found pages from a diary i must of kept when the kids were little .
the first page was entitled 'funny things the kids say '.
entry from 1985 : ( our son j*** was 4 and his brother t** one .
That's hilarious TM! My oldest daughter was a thumb-sucker until an "older" age. We were at a park, maybe she was 5 or 6 by then. She was sucking her thumb right there out in the open, and some kid made fun of her for it. She took her thumb out, looked at him, and quipped "It's the first time i ever tried it!"
We used to call my son Eric "handsome" when he was little. He was at the McDonald's playland, around 2 or 3 years old. A kid asked his name, and he said, "handsome." Oh man, we were ROFL!!
Sorry i gave 2, we had a large family. LOL
it is easy to understand why some could have nagging doubts when seeing world events.. "maybe it is the truth after all?".
i came accross this site and realise ( well i knew already) that there is no shortage of prophecy, or prophets.. in 1970, i was just a boy, i remember hearing on the radio.
"by 1978 there will be no water left that is fit enough to drink, but we shouldnt worry because by 1977 the air will no longer support human life".
Jean-luc: That is VERY interesting how you were exposed to all those doomsday predictions in the seventies - SO WAS I! I've never heard anyone else talk about it. I never thought about it as "prophecy", but i guess it was in a sense.
I picked up the same ideas as you did - very soon there would be no water, too much solid trash to deal with, air pollution, and of course overpopulation, and famine and other disasters because too many people. Oh, and nuclear war, radiation ,etc.
Later as an adult, it hit me like WTH?? What could i do about all that as a kid? And did they ever stop to think about the effects of that on kids who would take it seriously, without any counter-balancing information, thinking skills, etc.??!!! Some that already had a tendency to depression could have become suicidal.
been baptised for 15 years and it still same crap.
my wife who takes notes and thinks she pays attention when the brother says jesus is our meadiator and doesn't pay attention that the watchtower just stated he is the mediator for the anointed.
oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh thats right we do benifit but rank an file dont catch the confusing statements.
LOL Wobble. The Scripture you cited and your reasoning will clearly be appreciated by all sincere Christians! Your post must commend itself to every sanctified conscience! But those not walking in the light won't get your post at all, because they don't understand the ongoing nature of knowledge and might be left in darkness. Even though not a former JW, i can certainly benefit from your post by extension.
for those of you not in the know(lucky sobs you!!
), the congregation bible study wrapped up the come be my follower book last week.
we're now into the bearing thorough witness publication.
The "Great apostasy" idea is also crucial to Mormonism. (they also give a hat-tip to Martin Luther, as does the WT on occasion. )
Fragments of Jesus Christ’s Church were all that remained and doctrine was often mixed with pagan practices or the practices of other religions. The world fell into apostasy , which means that the truth of the gospel was not on the earth. There were no prophets to lead the people, and man was left to his own wisdom. This does not mean that God and Jesus Christ completely ignored mankind. There were times that men were guided to certain places or ideas. Members of the Mormon Church, for instance, believe that Christopher Columbus was led to the Americas by the Spirit and that the discovery of the Americas was instrumental in God’s plan for us. The new land provided a place where a new government could arise, a government that had built into its framework a tolerance for all religions. Mormons also believe many of the reformers of religion, such as Martin Luther, were inspired of God.
The restoration of the Jesus Christ’s Church came about through Joseph Smith (
hi guys!
i pull up to my daugher's home in phoenix this morning, just got there from tucson for a visit.
and lo and behold, 2 jw are walking up the driveway.
Thanks for all the comments, and to Kudra and Wasblind for those "illuminating" illustrations concerning new light.
well this past weekend was pretty much as predicted, the demonstrations were probably the worst i have ever seen.
you know the ones i mentioned on a post last week where in the middle the participant has a sudden epiphany!
here is a sampling of just a few.. .
Thanks for this awesome summary of the highlights, DaVinci. My friend's daughter got baptized last year during high school, and went to this Assembly, so of course the mom wants to know what was said. I will pass this on to her, she'll appreciate it.
i said i had no cash on me, i wasn't lying.. in the article (3-1-11) entitled what is god's kingdom, there is a paragraph about christendom's confusing explanation of what the kingdom of god is.
the last 'confusing' explanation listed says, "the kingdom of god is righteousness and peace and joy from the holy spirit" as quoted from the catholic catechism.
it sounded familiar, and i found it in romans 14:17, "for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost.
p4, paragraph 2 of the article. -- Yah, i guess they're against them, even when they're quoting a Scripture.
i said i had no cash on me, i wasn't lying.. in the article (3-1-11) entitled what is god's kingdom, there is a paragraph about christendom's confusing explanation of what the kingdom of god is.
the last 'confusing' explanation listed says, "the kingdom of god is righteousness and peace and joy from the holy spirit" as quoted from the catholic catechism.
it sounded familiar, and i found it in romans 14:17, "for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost.
I said i had no cash on me, i wasn't lying.
In the article (3-1-11) entitled What is God's Kingdom, there is a paragraph about Christendom's confusing explanation of what the kingdom of God is. The last 'confusing' explanation listed says, "The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy from the Holy Spirit" as quoted from the Catholic catechism. It sounded familiar, and i found it in Romans 14:17, "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." Ooops! The very next sentence says, "You will find a much clearer explanation on page 2 of this journal."