Long story, but i was talking online with someone who has been DFed for a long time, encouraging her to join a support group. -- THe person has been trying to get reinstated for YEARS. Described how she has felt UNWELCOME and UNSUPPORTED and is DEPRESSED. She is always told she is not doing enough "works of repentence." After sharing these things, she stated.... i want to come back!
I don't really get it, if it is indeed just a publishing company, what's the deal with making reinstatement so impossible? Don't they want to increase their numbers, mag distribution, etc.?
I asked her to notice in the Gospels how Jesus treated repentent sinners. Did He forgive their sins right on the spot and show great compassion, or did He make them jump through hoops for years to prove their sincerity? I asked her if in her heart of hearts she really believes this type of thing is Biblical or Christ-like at all?
It struck me so much like codependency in a bad relationship, so sad.