The Jewish political state of Israel is based on the hoax presented in the bible.
Many people are critical of *Zionism* which is spun to make them appear anti-semetic. But there's a difference.
i seriously don't get it.. some people truly hate`jews.. and it's not just jews.... gays, christians, blacks, mexicans, etc.
are on the list.. intolerance is a terrible thing..
The Jewish political state of Israel is based on the hoax presented in the bible.
Many people are critical of *Zionism* which is spun to make them appear anti-semetic. But there's a difference.
i subscribed to this channel a year ago.
this was updated this morning..
It's not alarming. What was the caller expecting the Publishing Corporation to do with his subjective complaint? Unfortunately, to my ears at least, he came across as a bit of a weirdo and not altogether credible.
That said, the response - or lack of it - by the Service Dept rep speaks volumes as the the training and closed-off mind that's required to "man the phones" at; the way he left long silences, wouldn't empathise in the least with the complainant, and the cold way he ended the call tell us that we're dealing with a corporation. And one that doesn't have a particularly good reputation.
recently a jw friend that my wife & i knew 3 years ago added me on facebook, after i accepted the request she invited me to a dinner that her and her husband are holding next month.. i imagined that she was unaware of our apostasy, so i declined the invitation on the basis of not wanting to ruin her dinner after the rest of her guests fled at our presence.. i'm never sure how old friends will react when i tell them that i'm no longer a jw.. usually their response is "..... permanent-silence......".
her response went something like this, " we are all out!
everyone that is coming is out we all look forward to seeing you guys so much" it turns out that there will be 6 people at the dinner all friends of ours from a congregation that we attended a few years back.. they have all left the organization recently.. pretty crazy experience..
Brilliant news! Dream come true, surely.
i have become more observant at the last couple district conventions of jws faces and enthusiasm and it seems to be very somber.
i remember a couple of years ago i was an attendant at one of the upper sections at the blue cross arena in rochester, ny and in afternoon session at least half were curled up with their eyes closed, some with blankets.
the applause seems very forced and mechanical.
I haven't been to a convention since 2008, however I drove up to Perth in '09 to scope out the convention venue. After being out for a year by that point I was struck by how uniform the JWs looked as they walked to the convention venue. They believe theyre giving a "fine witness" by the way they dress and groom, but they looked like robots. Mindless, cookie cutter robots. Which is, after all, what many of them are.
are there any more examples like this?
pictures changed because a person was disfellowshipped?.
They all look fucking thrilled at the possibility Jehovah God Almight (cousin of Bruce) might care about them. Thrilled.
one of my smart ass friends gave me the public copy of the watchtower for june 1st, 2014 and the main article.
is about "god's view on smoking.
" okay it goes on and on about how we need to keep our body "clean" and.
Regarding this article, and the mindset behind it, 2 words; junk food. What's god's view on that?
out of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
Non-belief; lack of evidence of any supernatural being matching the descriptions provided in holy books.