Thank you
yeah i know....so i like "introductions that arouse interests" on my subject lines!
but the danger is at the end of this post, not the beginning.
this is actually a very serious thread for oompa... and not my first, but i apologize in advance for it being the longest i have ever posted.
Thank you
i was thinking about loubelle's post where she asked if the world would be better without religion and started wondering what is meant when someone refers to a something as religion.
are they referring to a structured belief system.
or are the referring to anything other that the belief that this life is all there is and once it is over there is nothing else.
So what do you call a systematic belief in something that isn't absurd?
Politics?? Nah. It's absurd too
Religion is a means of control
using time proven methods
and means
here i sit in my living room, with no one to bubble at about this!.
at 53 i am committing to a bs in criminal justice.
i have no freaking idea what i will do with a degree at this stage of my life to be honest.
We are same age
Considered the same recently
I'm retired
No real reason to go
Just boredom
I ate some pie and icecream instead
nearly two years ago my husband and i abruptly stopped attending meetings.
we had one or two visits from an elder that i disliked, but that stopped when i told him not to come back.
we were patting ourselves on the back that we had been left alone.
Paint Your face RED
Put on horns
Grab a trident (pitchfork will do)
Answer the door!!
If your trying a discreet fade..................
Don't do the above
Good Luck
first of all, i have wt library through 2007 now.
i am going to post the question box on this topic to read, then discuss.
my comments in red, (or other assorted colors).
Thanks for the commentary
Keep it up
Do comments in red and italics
That way when printing in
black and white comments
still stand out
Thanks again
and Painless
i have never seen a movie with such poor character developement!
the alien was the perfect role for keanu...playing an emotionally dead alien!
and will smiths son plays the little brat kid that needs a kick in the pants.
Expected a speach from
Al Gore
Didn't happen
It was o.k
Wait for it on cable
Popcorn was god though
I like Chinese
i'm a 32 year old women and my aunt have me panties: pink, blue, and 1 with lil flowers.
there are lil girl panties.
it made me smile, no matter how old i get, my family still see me as a little girl :)
P awwwwwwwww N tease
Look here