JoinedPosts by LockedChaos
Besty Unplugged - My Life Story Part II
by besty in<<part i. i dont recall discussing the great disappointment of 1975 as a family.
i was only 5 and my older and wiser brother was 8. what i can remember was the muted sense of excitement we both felt in 1977. shortly after elvis died my dad announced we were moving off the island back to the scottish mainland.
i didnt connect the death of elvis with our big move, and rightly so.
I need
I must have..............................
Part 3
Thanx Besty
My life ... and how JWD came to be - Part 5
by Simon inmy life ... and how jwd came to be - part 1. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 2. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 3. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 4. i swear, i thought it was only a couple of years at most since i wrote part 4 of "my life and how jwd came to be".
i re-read it after someone posted to it and brought it back on active topics and it was kind of prophetic in a way ... well, i had the 5 years part right if nothing else:.
it would be nice to visit the site (or whatever one is around then) in 5 years time to let people know how we're doing and find only a few of the same people still around.
Thanks for everything Simon
Your site began my journey
of leaving the "cult" behind
An Open Letter From Jeff
by AllTimeJeff inbut i don't write this for sympathy.
actually, i just thought you all would like to hear how i am doing, esp with a little space now between me and the borg.
(its been 3 years).
It does all get better
over time
My anger has left me
I laugh at the craziness
of the cult
The damage that has been done
is done
My lost childhood and
my teen years are gone forever
My years as a young adult
and then as a 30 and 40 something
have passed
The pain and fear that I had
and suffered with (30 years worth)
has become a distant memory
NOW is what counts
As death now approaches me
(not soon I hope) I don't fear it
I have begun to live my life
as I wish. I'm no longer a slave
to a belief system. I'm just another
free man
I have discovered that nothing
much has changed......................
Just my putlook and attitude
1979 Choosing the Best Way of Life--PDF!
by Atlantis in1979 choosing the best way of life--pdf!
bookmarked searchable reduced front cover?
click here: http://www.badongo.com/pic/6783524?size=original download: click the link at the bottom of the next page.
Hello id like to intruduce myself
by Belly inive been lurking this site for quite a while but for some reason never could muster up the courage to post.. let me give a little background on my self.. i am 18 and male an still living with my parents.
i was baptised at 15 basically against my will (by cracking under the pressure) but only truly broke out of the drone like mindswhen i was 17. since then its been totall choas in my life all of it stemming from the orginization of course.
my parents are the defenition of brainwashed wittnesses, my father even belives he is anointed.. after i got baptised i suffered from intense deppression and with a little soul searching, after a year i realized that i need some time for my self.
Did you ever make the wrong career choices?
by Quirky1 ini know i have had several opportunities to transfer with a prominent position intact and turned them down to family logistics and such.
now that i am older i regret the decisions i made.
i may not have been on easy street but it would have made things a whole lot better.
Many Mistakes
You can only look at the past
You can change the future........................
Get Started!!
I agree with Jehovah's Witnesses!
by UnDisfellowshipped ini agree with jehovah's witnesses!.
(i bet reniaa will be shocked to see this thread!).
to jehovah's witnesses: i commend your zeal for god, your desire for accurate knowledge and truth of the bible, your goals of drawing close to jehovah, and following and obeying christ's teachings, and your time spent studying the bible.
That which you agree with
is only believed by faith in
the unknowable, unprovable,
myths, and legends
After almost 54 years on this
earth, I prefer belief in that which
I can see, hear, touch, and
When theory, insight, and inspiration
are reproducable by others
they then move beyond faith and
hope and into the realm of fact
and truth
Read the latest findings of brain science
Read the current writings from biblical scholars
and theology professors. Learn what they have
known for the last 200 years and have kept
from the R&F membership regarding scripture and
My 2 cents
I would like to thank my children......
by awildflower in......for being so obedient and cooperative during our lives as jw's.
for getting ready for all of those meetings and doing their best to study before hand and comment.
for volunteering to help the elderly and others with yard work and cooking and babysitting.
Thanks WF
My boy was born
AFTER I had left
My parents tried to
get to him but they
only succeded in
scaring him off - forever
Yea for him