my two favourites are.-.
a) lynyrd skynyrd "one more from the road".
b) genesis "seconds out".
ok, i'm a little slow.
i watched star trek but i just hadn't put it together in my head why some here refer to "the organization" as the borg.
i wasn't sure whether it was just me being discontented or whether the public speakers at kingdom halls were really getting less and less worthy of presenting themselves in front of an audience.. the idea was supposed to be that "mature ones" could overlook a colorless delivery and glean all of the spiritual truths that are being presented.
"the trouble is that in an infinite multiverse, everything that can happen will happen - an infinite number of times" (newscientist mar 2010).
this question is not for ex-jw dilletantes.
it is rather for those "advanced" ex-jws who belong to the "i have nothing better to do with my time class.".
i stumbled across this website a few months back and have often read the topics posted but this is the first time that i've posted anything myself.. all my family are jws - i got baptized when i was 17 but started to fade when i was about 20 and finally left at 22 when i managed to escape to university and move away from home.
ten years on and i am still out of the org but never disfellowshipped (although i would have been if they'd have known what i've been up to!).
the relationship with my family is not great - i get on with some members better than others.
i have been reading your posts for 2 weeks now, and i am riveted!
i spend every spare moment on this site.
it has become rather like a drug to me!
i graphed the data from us geological survey re frequency and severity of worldwide earthquakes from 1900-2010, then added trendlines to forecast through 2050.. you will not be shocked at the results.. jehovah must hate math.. share this info as you wish, just please link to vs using other links or hosting it elsewhere.
The end DOES NOT come
in 1975.............................
or even 35 years later
Oh yeah....................
Go ahead and bang 'er
Stay single
It IS all a snare and racket