Years ago, I used to be such a geek that I fantasized about being a Bethelite or a Gilead missionary one day. Recently, I've been able to sit down and read the stories of former Bethelites on the Internet (one of the first things that I looked into when I decided that I was finally at a point where I wanted to learn about the Org behind the scenes), and was horrified to learn about how much drinking goes on at Bethel. New boy on here put it best, I think:
They don't tolerate much at bethel.......but if they kicked everyone out of Bethel, for drinking to much, the place would have shut down years ago.......So I'm driving down the FDR drive one Sunday, taking an old timer back to Bethel, (been there about 40 years) after giving a talk at my hall............ he points over to the Schafer Brewery and says " Son,......if the ever shut down that factory ........ they would have to shut down..... that one too!"..........pointing to Bethel. LOL