JoinedTopics Started by witnessgirl
Suggestions on how to properly get disfellowshiped
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inhere is how i would like to get df'd.
during the service meeting of cource the announcement would be made.
i would like to walk in the meeting during the song (preferably..."then they will know") leading up to the the announcements and walk to my seat in the front of the kingdom hall dressed as darth vader.
Places that won't exist in the "Paradise Earth"
by Zico inmachu picchu, peru.
itsukushima shrine, japan.
taj mahal, india .
cheating on you Feild service time
by Iwonder17 ini'm curious how many people do this and what is the most that you ever wrote down that you didn't do?.
my highest was 12 when i only went out 1 hour .
Marley Cole's "Jehovah's Witnesses - The New World Society"
by witnessgirl inwell, i just finished reading marley cole's "jehovah's witnesses - the new world society" book from 1955. i'll provide a few quotes to introduce it in case you aren't familiar with the book.
ray franz in crisis of conscience, p74, 2004 hc edition: cole wrote the book as if he were a non-witness writing an objective account.
the idea was that by having the book published by an outside publishing firm it might reach persons who normally would not take society literature.
Turning in your time
by witnessgirl ini posted this in another thread, but thought that it was probably worth its own discussion.
apologies if you've seen this in the other thread.
here is a graphic that appeared in the june 1, 2005 watchtower.
How Many Are From The South (USA)?
by snowbird inthank you, professor.. you are most kind.. sylvia.
The annointed
by tak inhow do they actually know they are of the annointed?
all they would say is "i just know" or "they just know".. this always struck me as odd.
glory seekers i guess..
There's a crack in everything...
by Confession init's unavoidable... when a jw finds out you no longer believe it's "the truth," they're eager to jump on flaws in your thinking.
they (and formerly, we) want to believe that, when someone leaves, there must have been something that "soured you" to the organization.
some personal thing that resulted in bitterness and therefore your departure.. it's good to be able to say that you didn't leave because of any big scandal or personal affront, isn't it?
Tommorow I'm throwing away my theocrapic library...I'm leaving my wife.
by Witness 007 inyes i need to move on so the yearbooks the bibles the bound volumes are going in the trash.
this is not an add so don't ask me to send something to you.
i'm too tired and stressed out.