I always thought that anything coming from the platform was considered as coming from Jehovah.
Funny how Jehovah always seems to be whining about how the pages in new Bibles stick together.
i mean, it doesn't even make sense for the jw crazy rules, since she is not teaching anything, just reading the bible!!
I always thought that anything coming from the platform was considered as coming from Jehovah.
Funny how Jehovah always seems to be whining about how the pages in new Bibles stick together.
i've got access this week to all of their dvds ... including:.
young people ask - what will i do with my life?.
jehovah's witnesses - organised to share the good news.
Thank you thank you thank you! I've been looking all over for copies of the vids! I'll seed these as much as I can. Thanks again so much!
the pew forum released it's results of the u.s. religious survey.
although the results found that americans are becoming more religiously tolerant, evangelicals and jehovah's witnesses are the least likely to be tolerant (not surprisingly).
to see how the jw's ranked, go to http://religions.pewforum.org/ and click on any of the four categories, then find jehovah's witnesses.. for an interesting commentary of the results, go to the blog http://www.acbnyc.blogspot.com/.
The "Political Views" section on JWs was very interesting. I was surprised by how many identified as Democrats and Republicans. Also really really interesting to see how many think that there is more than one correct way to understand the Scriptures, that other faiths can lead to eternal life, etc.
Thanks for the link!
I got my Bible stolen one time!
I had special ordered one of the burgundy leather Bibles from the society. My hall didn't keep those in stock; you had to wait until they were doing their literature order for the month and get the MS to add it onto the order for you. (I kinda recall the Insight books being the same way.) Anyway, after it had finally arrived, the brother at the literature counter gave it to me when I came in. I hung up my coat in the coatroom and put the new Bible on the shelf above it, since I had my old Bible with me and the new one was still shrink wrapped and the pages stick together in new ones anyway. After the meeting, when I went to get my coat, my new Bible was gone!
so this was released yesterday at the kansas city dc -by the way, for the first time in living memory no gb speaker.
got one from patterson bethel instead.
young people ask answers that work volume 2 - the first 5 chapters are on the opposite sex.. chaper 28 is how can i avoid homosexuality - contains phrases such as "bi-curious" etc.
I found out (sigh) that my wife and daughters DO plan to go this weekend... so I'll have a copy Friday night and will scan a searchable bookmarked PDF for y'all on Saturday if somebody hasn't beat me to it.
Thanks so much--that would be great! I can't believe that I actually miss being able to get the newer publications--I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm subscribed to the Watchtower, Awake!, and Study Watchtower podcasts. (Almost makes up for not being able to subscribe to the physical mags anymore--and this way I'm not sending money to the org.)
I am looking forward to this one mostly for laughs, though (I enjoyed the first YPA book for the same reason). I am really hoping for something like
Your Clitoris--Harmless Plaything?
Sisters, does it not fill you with joy to contemplate that Jehovah has seen fit to bless you with a clitoris? It certainly should not! This is an example of the sort of false joy in which Satan the Devil delights. (1Th 5:17)
i've been reading raymond franz's book "crisis of conscience", and i noticed that his quotations from the august 1980 oks differ from what's on the watchtower library cd (big suprise, i know).
i only seem to have december from that year.
i wonder whether anyone might have august 1980 and be willing to scan it.
Wow; thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
I guess that I misunderstood the part in CoC where he makes reference to "the same issue of Our Kingdom Service where the announcement of my resignation was published" as meaning that his actual letter of resignation had been printed. Not that there was very much to it, though.
Would anyone be interested in the December 1980 issue? I was kind of playing around with making a PDF of the December 1959 issue last week, but wasn't happy with the results. I can keep trying, though, if people are actually interested in old Kingdom Ministries.
Thanks again!
i was wondering about two things.
does any one have more detailed information on the j-sources used by the new world translation?
names of books, publisher, etc.?
If you haven't seen it, here's an entire book on the subject of the NWT J Sources for the Greek Scriptures:
here is the complete volume of the awake for 1947 in pdf.
about 45 mb.
bookmarks are updated with the newly scanned pages.
Thanks greatly! I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. I used to have a really good collection of Awake! loose issues and home made bound volumes (in the blue binders) going back to the late 1940s. I sold them all years ago when I thought I was done with WT stuff forever. Now I've been looking into replacing them, since so many had really interesting stuff in them. So, you've saved me some money here!
sitting at home on a friday night - browsing through all the jw groups on facebook and this catches my eye.... we help support our full-time ministry with this website.
please have a look at the "watchtower" -style pins and pendants.
with a link to this website http://jeffreydesign.com/index.php?main_page=index&cpath=7 aside from the fact that it really ain't pretty, how pukeworthy is this??
He says that he does custom designs...
LOL! Ask him to do something like this:
in my day i've attended many meetings with either a complete hangover, or still flyin' from the night before......weed, or alcohol.......anybody got any good stories?
I've gone to weekday meetings high on pot more times than I can count. There were at least a few where I downed a few beers first and the girl I was getting a ride with made me eat a breath mint before we got there. (These incidents would have been during the 2-3 years I was on my way out--nearly every meeting I attended during that period was on something.)
Here's the real kicker, though: I used to go to Sunday meetings on LSD. I'm not joking at all. I did this every Sunday for at least six months. Nobody ever noticed or said anything. Listening to talks about the end of the world while you're on acid is amazing. I probably would have quit going much earlier if I hadn't been doing this.
I noticed that painkillers work wonders for field service. They kept me warm and made me want to talk.
There was an article in the Watchtower or Awake! years ago about a guy who was a heavy pot smoker who started studying with the Witnesses and thought that it would be a good idea to smoke pot and read the Bible, pot being conducive to "deep thoughts". The article claimed that he quickly discovered that pot interfered with his ability to study the Bible and so he stopped smoking it altogether. This was about the same time that I started realizing how many of those articles are simply made up.