Topics Started by megs
Hell Does Not Exist
by megs inaccording to spong, not only does hell not exist, but neither does the divinity of christ, a theistic god, miracles, the redemptive property of jesus' death on the cross, his resurrection, his ascension, and many other things besides.
by megs inemmanuel kant wrote this in a 1784 essay called "what is enlightenment?
"enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.
immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another.
Feeling Vulnerable
by megs inokay... help... i'm feeling weak right now... i haven't spoken to my dub in 6 weeks, still not over him, still thinking about him far more than i should... anyway... when we were talking, he got me going to meetings (we live in diff places) and a nice pioneer lady took me under her wing.
i gave his email addy to the lady and they correspond.
so, me and the dub had a falling out when i told him all of the issues i had with the wts.
JWD Groupie
by megs ini've decided to become a jwd groupie... i was thinking fan club, newsletter with biographies and features, perhaps an annual convention
Shirtless Mormons AKA "Men on a Mission"
by megs ini am now thinking of becoming a mormon!!!
sounds like this lad is in a wee spot of trouble with the head mormonators.
2007 Registered Charity Information Return - WTS Canada
by megs innot sure if anyone has posted this, but thought someone mights find it to be of interest:
Critical Reading
by megs inone of the most important things i learned in university was critical reading... when you read something, look at who's writing it, are they credible, do they have a known bias?
if they are quoting, is the quote taken in context?
the wts seem to be masters at trying to curtail critical thinking because then their bias, credibility and context would be shot.!
Need help responding to a pioneer
by megs ini posed the question to a pioneer who had been giving me bible studies.
my question was quite simple: "in john 3:16, doesn't it say that whosoever believeth in him will have eternal life?
my understanding of this scripture is that eternal life is given to all who believe in christ and believe he died to save sinners.
Ban The Internet
by megs inthe thought occurred to me that if post-secondary education is to be avoided, why would the wts not make a similar stance about the internet?
all dubs in good standing should burn their books and their computers... really, the internet has great propensity to open people's minds and expose them to different ideas and viewpoints.
in itself it doesn't promote critical thinking, but it certainly offers fodder for thought and expression.
by megs ini feel bad for my jw friend, i had been going to meetings, then he said he didn't feel comfortable e-mailing to me anymore... i stopped going to meetings and e-mailed him to tell him why... i'm sure he thinks he's lost a potential convert and now i'm just gonna die instead of living forever and the guilt made him "confess" that he's been communicating with a "worldy" woman who he didn't intend to marry...
what is with this whole guilt thing?!