JoinedTopics Started by Hikaru
2010 Convention Rumor
by Hikaru inum... a witness sent me this in an email.
it's going around as the rumored program, but there's no proof.. if it is real though...is very last one symbolic?
or is it literal?
People waking up?
by Hikaru inhttp://www.courierpress.com/news/2009/nov/11/no-headline---112/.
it's a "letter to the editor," so i don't know whether to take it seriously or not.. but even if it's not by the governments or starts anything.
the fact of this letter, people are starting to wake up to religions influence?
Is tonight the end?
by Hikaru inplease don't flame....but i had a lot of homework so i didn't go to meeting tonight with grandma, and now it's 10pm and she hasn't gotten back.
she only went there, she had nowhere else to go...is it the end?
did they tell them to run?
"Christian," Music?
by Hikaru injust wondering...they ssay too stay away from babylon the great and everything about her.
what about music from bands that claim they're "christian?
" some i can kinda see if they have god in the lyrics, but others just claim it and the songs don't have it in the lyrics.. everyone interprets music differently, don't they?
My Boyfriend's not a Witness...
by Hikaru inalright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
No pain in paradise?
by Hikaru iner... i'd like serious answers on this please, because it's been on my mind ever since brought up.. okay, so a friend and i were debating on aim, and it went to the paradise thing.
and he brought up a point...that i can't answer, grandma said there is an answer, but she doesn't know it.. so anyways, they say jehovah will wipe out pain in the new system.
but wouldn't he have to kill emotions and love then?
Is this anything?
by Hikaru inthis anything to be worried about???.
by Hikaru ingoogle alerts caught this.. http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2009/07/17/news0133.htm.
summit ends with call for global peace .
District Convention Audio?
by Hikaru inexcuse me.
i read in a topic that someone had the audio to the convention?
is there anyway they can come forth and send them to me?