JoinedPosts by elder-schmelder
first contradiction in the bible?
by cptkirk incontradiction without the use of an outside medium (such as archaeology, fossil study).
i just stumbled on this after reading the thread about adam and the sexual subliminal message.
i was thinking about adam and eve and chronology, and a contradiction popped up in my head...so i picked up the bible and there it is.. gen 1:27 - god creates adam and eve, tells them to be fruitful.. gen 2:18 - now adam is alone?
Let me introduce myself
by Kensei01 inhello to all on this board.
thanks so much for creating it and fostering the spirit of welcoming and honesty here.
i have been "lurking" here for a while now and should really introduce myself.
Welcome !! I enjoyed you post.
You might be in for a very tough one, hopefully your wife will join you if you decide to leave for good.
Dear Questions From Readers
by Poztate inquestions from readers,.
recently my wife and i divorced.
it was a non-scriptural divorce.
love it.
Are you enjoying your REST? Well, the Governing Body SAID you would!
by Terry inthe governing body of jehovah's witnesses: reliable, spirit-led, trustworthy and accurate in their teachings?.
or: unreliable, human led, untrustworthy and inaccurate in their guesswork?.
you decide!
I enjoyed your post.
It is simple for me to see that now, but when I was in, I was expected not to question the GB/Faithfull Slave.
By not questioning the GB/Faithfull Slave, it turns us into mindless followers of men, and that is MIND CONTROL.
If you never question the GB, then they can say anything and you will believe it, no matter how crazy it is. (Generation/Generation/Generation)
The GB will overlap as many generations as they want, and people will buy it, if they dont use "independant thinking", and that is why the GB dont like when you start having "independant thinking".
FSM: Austrian authorities accept colander as religious headgear
by J. Hofer inhttp://translate.google.at/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=utf-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3a%2f%2fderstandard.at%2f1308681039222%2foesterreichs-behoerden-nudelsieb-als-religioese-kopfbedeckung-in-fuehrerschein-genehmigt.
this is google-translated from german.... a "pastafarian" insisted in having his license picture shot with a colander on his head.
it's allowed (for muslims for example) to have ones head covered for legal documents if it is a religious practise.
More on Saturday's drama: Endo-symbiotic theory mentioned not once but twice
by sir82 ini don't want to give a full synopsis of saturday's drama, for fear of inducing stupor among this thread's readers, but.... .
the drama deals with a jw family with 3 kids, 2 of whom are in various stages of rebellion against all things jw.. the older brother is one of the "rebels", while the younger brother is a thoroughly annoying piece of brown-nosing crapola, completely buying into the jw mindset.. anyways, the younger brother is asking the older brother about why he doesn't want to attend the family study any more.. the older kid's rambling answer touches on something along the lines of "i'm learning things in school about how life really came here.
it's not as simple as you think!".
What's The Longest You've Been In A Relationship?
by minimus inand if you were dating someone "seriously", how long did that last?.
Married for 14 years. I was 20 she was 18, both went to the same KH, now we both skip the KH, been great ever since.
MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY- From Watchtower Christianity - Agnosticism
by JustHuman14 inmy personal spiritual journey- from watchtower - christianity - agnosticism.
i guess life is a journey and this journey becomes more exited when someone is willing to take that journey.
one of our greek poets wrote: "it is not the destination, but the journey that matters".... my story is very similar like many thousands of ex-jw's around the globe.
I wish that I could write as well as you. My spiritual journey is almost the same. Thank you for writing this.
Best Stock Market Trading Website
by Voices inokay so there's e-trade ...scottrade and all that.
does anyone hold stocks?
if so, which website have you found to be the best form of investment?.
I use E*Trade, I have been happy with them, but I dont think they are the cheapest.
Thank you