Is Larsinger58 for real?
king saul that the time had come for.
but after saul won the battle,.
Is Larsinger58 for real?
assuming that you think at all, or are part-time thinkers like me - you may find this impressive.
not from the article itself, but by paradigms, patterns, memetic movements and your horoscope.
Was this published because the powers that be, are voting on making online poker legal in the US?
PS: I had a great run saturday and sunday in poker :)
does anyone have a listing of watchtower titles?
A friend of mine is looking for it.
does anyone have a listing of watchtower titles?
Does anyone have a listing of Watchtower titles? Like this.
January 1,2008
God’s Kingdom—WhatIsIt?WhenWillItCome?
February 1,2008
How CanYouFindRealPeaceofMind?
March 1,2008
How Jesus’DeathCanSaveYou
April 1,2008
What IsArmageddon?
May 1,2008
What DoesCreationRevealAboutGod?
June 1,2008
Why GodSavedNoahWhyWeShouldCare
July 1,2008
When aLovedOneDies—HowCanYouCope?
August 1,2008
Are BetterTimesJustAhead?
September 1,2008
How WellDoYouKnowYourHeavenlyFather?
October 1,2008
Does theBibleForetelltheFuture?
November 1,2008
Should YouFearHell?
December 1,2008
What InfluenceDoesJesusHaveonYourLife?
I am looking for a longer list.
while cruising through the oct 1 1904 watctower i found this interesting challenge to russells 606 date.
his response in part is also pasted from the wt, but goes on to a very lengthy argument that seems to avoid all the known facts.
not being very good at understaning the issue at all, i wonder what those here more scholarly than i might make of his full reply.
Anyone have a pdf of this issue?
dad was a great man, great, despite the religion.
he was powerful, tall and intelligent, yet humble and kind.
he was an introvert, and a circuit overseer.
Sorry for your loss,
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.
I am happy for you. Thank you for sharing your story.
ive been sad.i miss him alot.but i must say,it is very nice to not be hearing all of the "doom and gloom" all of the time.the "we will all be in paradise except you,and even tho i wont be supposed to,ill still miss you" speech.
{still chokes me up a bit}.hell,yeah,i miss my dad,and feel like i was robbed of many years of a good life with him by the jw's and their petty doctrines and spys.i still have my mum,and she goes to the meetings occasionally,but she knows the dad was just too damaged from his time in aushweitz to really ever be happy of free.poor soul.i hope he has found some solace and peace at,i still love you,even tho you made my life hell with the jw thing,i know you were doinf it cause you really did believe it...but its nice to be away from it.i hope he is at peace at last......
I understand how you feel.
this is an excerpt from the 1994 watchtower, february 15. in the entire article, the watchtower tries to debunk any claim of their cultism.
see how they go about it.. " would it be accurate to refer to jehovahs witnesses as a religious group with radical views and practices that clash with what is accepted as normal social behavior?
are jehovahs witnesses a cult?.
Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader.
hi everybody.
i would like to know where is the grave of joseph franklyn rutherford?.