JoinedTopics Started by SAHARA
I'd like to know who you were before you were baptized a JW? Were you raised a JW? What religion or denomination of Christianity did you profess before you became a JW.
by SAHARA inif you were raised a jw, how well did you research the history of the org.
before you were baptized?
if you were a convert to the watchtower society , how well did you know the doctrines of the faith before your conversion?
When you were an active JW what did you really think about Orthodox Christians?
by SAHARA ini know that many of you here on this forum are atheists or agnostics and so maybe your opinion hasn't changed.
even if that is the case, i would still like to know from all of you, how did you look at or think about other professed christians who are not jw's?
did you consider them to be inferior?
In-laws are here for my wifes District Convention
by SAHARA inas i've stated in my previous posts, i am not a jw but my wife is and it's that time of year when the conventions are going on.
my wife's parents and sister/husband live in az while we live in ca.
they haven't come to visit since i've had a little falling out with my inlaws last year about studying with my son by phone behind my back when normally we would visit each other at least 3 - 4 times/year each.
Have you ever noticed how similar the Society is to a Multi-Level Marketing Business?
by SAHARA inmaybe this discussion has already taken place on this forum, or maybe some of you may scoff at this observation as just stating the obvious, but i think it may be worth while to post this for those of you who have yet to discover this paralell.
i was involved in a mlm business in the insurance industry from 1993 - 2000. this life insurance agency was started in 1977 by just a few individuals and had grown by recruiting average working class people to become part-time sales agents and sold them the american dream.
in just a few years time, this agency entered every state and grew into a sales force of roughly 200,000 people, part time and full timers, and by 1984 had become the #1 seller of life insurance in the country for approximately 15 years straight.
Do you still believe in the doctrines of the Watchtower
by SAHARA inman, i did it again in messing up my post.
anyway, after reading many exjw responses to questions from posters, i see there is a wide variety of opinions on faith and religion in general such as still believing that there is a god to no belief in god at all.
for those of you who still believe that there is a god, i'd like to know whether or not you still believe in the doctrines of the watchtower, but you just don't believe that it is gods "only true religion"?.
This is my story
by SAHARA insorry about the mishap on my previous post.
anyway i've been a member on this board for quite a while but mostly just lerking.
i've given just a tease about what my deal is on a previous post but this will be a little more in depth.
How did you find the strength to leave?
by SAHARA into all of you exjws, i'm sure you've been asked this question one way or the other many times and i'm sure the answer is different for many of you, i'd like to know directly from you never having a chance to hear or read many exjw's answers to this.
knowing that you would be cut off from your family and friends and other consequences for your decision to leave, how did you ever get the strength to do it?
i mean really, i find it fascinating to know that there are so many of you who were at one time very devout, if not at the very least loyal to one of the most successful mind-contol organizations ever who believed all if not most of what the society taught and still you found the courage to risk everything once you accepted that it isn't what it claims to be.