JoinedTopics Started by navytownroger
Were the 'Annointed' ones the biggest dolts in the KH???
by navytownroger inin my former kh, there was one 'annointed' elder & man, was he a robotic idiot!!
he gave the memorial talk, to which 'everyone' was invted via a big tract-placing effort.
his talk was pure boredom, with lots of page-flipping through the bible.
How many Kingdom Halls are being built/closed?
by navytownroger indoes anyone have any idea how many kingdom halls were built in the us during the last decade versus how many were closed?
what is the ratio in the area you live in?
with so many teenagers deserting the jws, i'd think that soon they'll be closing more khs than they are building, at least in the us and western europe.
Limiting comments by kids during WT Study
by navytownroger ini was told recently by a ministerial servant that the word had come down from above that from now on only two comments by children will be allowed during the wt study.
the reason: the meetings are geared to adults, not children.
has anyone else heard of this policy??
Do JWs need the BoE as substitute father-figures??
by navytownroger inwhat in the world really attracts new people to the jws??
most new ones don't know or understand the complicated theology, so i doubt it's that.
is it the love-bombing & friendliness?
When Cults Collapse---
by navytownroger ini was in a los angeles cult in the 70s (unrelated to jw) and finally at one point most of the cult members 'woke up' simultaneously & saw that the leaders had been emotionally abusive and oppressive.
once everyone woke up, the entire cult collapsed within days.
a similar thing happened in the communist countries----everyone suddenly got tired of being oppressed.
Do JWs miss having large parties, pot-lucks, etc?
by navytownroger inas has been stated before, large congregational get-togethers, cook-outs, baseball games, etc are now greatly discouraged by the society.
back in the 80s in san diego we had parties, night-time beach bonfires, pool parties and frequent restaurant meals with 10+ people.
do current jws seem to miss these sorts of social activities??
Why do many JWs neglect their health conditions?
by navytownroger inmy former bible study conductor has heart problems and very high blood pressure, but doesn't seem concerned about it.
another witness i knew had heart problems but never went to doctors, & eventually dropped dead suddenly.
given that cigarette smoking is a disfellowshipping offense, why aren't jws reprimanded when they otherwise neglect & jeopardize their health?
Are JWs allowed to declare bankruptcy??
by navytownroger inhas anyone known or heard of baptized jws declaring bankruptcy?
if so, wouldn't that amount to 'stealing' from the businesses or persons they owe money to?
when you incur a debt, isn't there a legally-binding 'promise' that you will pay back what you owe?
Why such boring & canned answers at the WT Study?
by navytownroger inback in th 1980s, the answers at the watchtower study & the book study seemed much more interesting.
more personal experiences that somehow related to the question being asked.
nowadays it seems all answers are just repeated from the text, or consist of reading a bible verse.
Dropped from my Bible Study like a hot potato
by navytownroger ini had a bible study with a jehovah's witness for the past year and a half.
i was also attending meetings, but never went out in field service.
during a recent study, i told the conductor that i didn't believe in the 'annointed' & didn't believe the fds had a 'hotline' to jehovah.