went on a bus tour with a gaggle of cong. members -- must say --best time for a long while - lot of jokes -- lot of laughs -- then we hit Brooklyn -- a warehouse -- nothing to see but hot, muggy cement walls and floors -- some in book binding.. walked over to a restaurant across the park for lunch -- then off to Stanley --- what a gorgeous building -- actually ostentacious -- that place is worth millions -- it should be sold and given to those in the cong who need to eat, let alone pay bills -- there is no need for this..... no org on earth should be allowed to have these types of buildings -- only Solomon in his glory when God was speaking thru the prophets should this have been allowed... but no .... hard work of volunteers carried out the big changeover to a visiting / assembly area - the auditorium alone boasts a ceiling that changes from day to night with stars, etc. plush seats that most halls dont have for comfort.... chandeliers that you would die for, brass entry doors, polished to gleam.
water fountain downstairs -- found a 16th century french rug in the basement and restored it -- priceless...how much will that go for or where will it end up???In a GB apartment?? I believe Stanley is no longer on the tour menu..could be wrong....
Then the next day off to Walkill --- beautiful grounds with orchards -- no more farm there -- you can see where the money goes -- we got there at lunch time but were not invited.. saw a lot of the pictures in the mags on the walls, fountains and chandeliers.... mock up of Solomons temple as you enter the huge foyer... took a tour, nice
After being in NYC and the seaport and chinatown and a broadway show and some good eating - time to get back home...
returned home in same fashion --- laughing so hard -- so in all good memories of the folks - altho I have heard of horror stories on most bus tours...
Dont know what is going on there now - that ws about 7 years ago