I agree with all you state -- it is not the "truth" we started out with.. now we are stuck, so to speak.. new light is appearing -- i.e. generation -- well, one of the GB just passed away-that was the last of the old timers who saw/understood 1914 -- with them gone, we were supposed to be gone too.. not so.. now -- the "generation" thinking is overlapping with newbie GB members being brought in, we have to stay around til the second sealing and the choosing will THEN be complete-the other point is that when that occurs -they are all supposed to be in heaven -well the society says some will still be on earth - go figure...
Now the Annointed - as you state-they are increasing - so now they are no longer replacements for some who may have gone astray - when!! -- If 300 strayed, then 300 would come in to replace, the numbers would stay the same or reduced as death took them,hence the numbers would drop -- not so... no explanation --
Creation days - now aeons long, even tho they said this a looong time ago, they are now bringing it back to the forefront -- so with aeons of time in the pre human creation -- how does that tie in with the 6,000 years(days) for our freedom on the 7,000th year(day)?? That was all based on the creative time periods - so does that mean, we have aeons to go before the new system now?
Preaching work--what about the book of life or scroll of Life in which all those who are to receive life are written? -Does this mean that we are waiting for those are yet to be born, then the end will come, so it does not matter how much we preach, would these ones automatically see Jehovah's love and put faith in Jesus death?
And Yes, Jesus is my mediator -- he can mediate for the 144,000 but he can also meadiate for me and you and anyone who puts faith in his sacrifice - the Bible tells me so.. I remember that song from my sunday school!
And that is my thoughts for today.... it is a struggle but I believe Jehovah/Yahweh knows all our hearts and knows we are troubled and will give us peace, in whatever form it comes, and this board, when all is said and done, is a great help
Today, when you are baptized, you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit included in question 1 - where it is supposed to say - In the name of the Father, The Son AND the Holy Spirit---Matt 28:19,20 ---- which we recently have had two WT's saying this is what is included -- but it is NOT
Check out the questions for baptism and see where in question 2 - they have inserted a vow for you to be loyal to God's earthly organization"...