He does not look too prosperous, he speaks as if he is in depression, who would not be in his situation?? Twice I hear someone at his door, so he must be living with relatives? friends? without a job and the wife getting his business? his home is sold, no job, it is a wonder he has not gone postal. He spoke so calmly to the legal department and says he has Asbergers, I think....
Personally, I think this is the calm before the storm - something is wrong with his wife, I would think, to take her husband the way she has - everything taken, was he that bad a husband, a father, a bread winner? He does not seem to be a bully or tyrant....What is his story? Is there no such thing as 50/50 split when a divorce happens? What is wrong with the judge? I cant figure it out... everything has gone against him..... Did I miss something when he was telling his story? I know the elders do a job on you and they can influence the wife, but the legalities of everything else does not add up.. and if he has nothing how can she get $120,000 from someone who has nothing left?
He definitely needs a lawyer.. contingency.... someone out of state who would take the case...