Altho I am not commenting much, I have to totally agree with Balsamass and Ynot to the point of tears almost. They have touched on a lot of points re changes.
Those were the days when you visited on sundays for lunch or dinners with folks, sat around the table and openly discussed various points of the talk or the tower and didn't have any fear of someone looking sideways to lable you as spiritually sick or humm, close to apostate material.
The assemblies with the meals, everyone pitching in and having a great time, trucking in the portable kitchen materials, servers - yes, it was a lot of work and they used the excuse to get rid of it all so we could all sit in the auditoriums and hear the programs. This at the time they always had speakers placed accordingly to all to hear, kitchen prep- areas... We all knew it was a massive effort but hey, the US Army would visit just to see how good JW's were at feeding thousands in 2 hours!!! At least we set some examples...and there was good fun doing it!
there were the picnics by a lake where the kids had a good time with their parents - forget the technology - visits all the time by everyone, seems like today, no one gets a call unless they are away from meetings for months.. could be dead by that time- nowadays, its get togethers at wedding and funerals...
I was proud to be a JW, and for that paid with most of my family as they were not in the truth, now they are gone and we are standing on an island waiting..... for the next shoe to drop- for more changes to be made, for what some men in NY will direct who have taken the place of Jesus and made themselves our mediator cause we are not of the world that Jesus said he was dying know that the word generation means there could be no end to this system in our time, yet be told that its "here" --"just around the corner"- I am not a doubter that something is coming, and soon it will be 100 years in earthtime that Jesus is supposed to have been ruling from the heavens - a date that was bumped up from 1874 when his rule was to have begun -- but I truly believe that as the world continues to hang on by its fingertips, it could be a long time yet
The perceived stability is gone and replaced with unknowing instability that borders on insanity- and when you throw in a belief system with it, we are still captured
Oh there is so much more but it has all been beaten to death -the only thing is it is good to get it off your chest once in awhile..