He spoke about the 1 Timothy thing where the head of Man is the Christ and the head of woman is the man and the point really was not as outstanding as he said..he tied that scripture in with a trailing off voice about sisters being subservient to ALL male baptized members in the congregations.... ( does that mean those a lot younger than me??) I was not the only one to hear that, there are a bunch of us "singles" -we discussed the revelation, and even if I were married (again) it sure would not be to someone who would be a hardnosed ...........k. In my eyes, I answer to Jesus first of all, not to an imperfect (as they often say) man in the congregation. They could step down in a month and gone in a year.... Now if they are funny and have a great personality and deserve respect then I can work with that... I am not that proud yet..
Sorry to the guys who answered this, many thanks for the feedback. Its funny too how a single woman or parent is NEVER mentioned, or considered in most of the literature or prayers except as a pioneer.... nothing else seems to matter to them...yet we all have trials to overcome but that does not concern the DO or CO .. I wanted to write an anonymous note and drop it in their seat, but chickened out... next time I will be ready.. think it will do any good??