Good research Gayle, and thanks fokyc for the Feb info
JoinedPosts by truthlover
by fokyc in.
Curious Confused - Another One for you
by truthlover inthe new numbers for the annointed are out -- 11,202 - up again this year - is there any buzz as to why this is happening?.
with all the old guard gb gone now with bro barr's death - we should never be at this point in time -- does this concern you?.
The new numbers for the annointed are out -- 11,202 - up again this year - is there any buzz as to why this is happening?
With all the old guard GB gone now with Bro Barr's death - we should never be at this point in time -- does this concern you?
Curious Confused: Can you Answer this
by truthlover inwelcome to the board -- it does have a lot of good information on it with a lot of sincere people, i mostly sit and read the comments, dont make a lot of comments... however,.
one question i have, since the new elders book has been released, i was wondering why the term "brazen conduct" is now being used - is it to narrow down pubs actions so that they are in more of a corner as to why they did what they did when in front of a jc??
would that not allow for more df's??
thank you for the reply -- welcome again!
To those of Faith on here, a question.
by wobble inthose of you on here who are still believers in god or gods, do you feel that it is better to be like our dear shelby (aka a. guest) and others on here, and simply believe without reference to a religion or to a holy book ?.
or do you think we need to find a church and some holy writings ?.
the reason i ask is because i can accept and appreciate a pure faith position, belief without proof, apart from your personal experience, but i cannot see that any "religion" or church, or holy writings, has any claim to truth..
Now your getting into a Stargate Atlantis position -- no gods, no Ori , world and creation operates on its own..
Yet: there is a myriad of evidence that it all started by something/someone and I can only think it was a creator-I am amazed at the programs on the universe, the star factory, the hubble telescope showing us limitless universes, 100 billion with 100 billion stars -- how does that happen without a mastermind to bring gravity into the picture balancing out the planets and stars, etc... and why not have a book that puts forth a way to live -- looks like mankind has not done too well on his own -- the old argument is that we cant see the wind but we can feel the devasting effects if it goes awry even Darwin knew there was something that started all this, as does Stephen Hawkings, they just dont know what.. call it the God Factor....
We need books to folllow directions in everyday life, DIY books and tv programs, classes to teach specific arts and tech jobs - why not a book on the origin of the world - God doesn't ask much - not like religions ask of their followers -- all he asks is that we love him and want to do his will... simple -- it is man who have concocted and twisted all the rules and laws to suit their needs, turning off the majority of the population, altho there are so many who want to help and many give their lives to do so.. it seems to be inherent to do so, it makes you feel GOOD!
Maybe I am hedging my bets, but I would rather believe in a creator than not!
So yes I do think we need the Book...
Curious Confused: Can you Answer this
by truthlover inwelcome to the board -- it does have a lot of good information on it with a lot of sincere people, i mostly sit and read the comments, dont make a lot of comments... however,.
one question i have, since the new elders book has been released, i was wondering why the term "brazen conduct" is now being used - is it to narrow down pubs actions so that they are in more of a corner as to why they did what they did when in front of a jc??
would that not allow for more df's??
Welcome to the board -- it does have a lot of good information on it with a lot of sincere people, I mostly sit and read the comments, dont make a lot of comments... however,
One question I have, since the new elders book has been released, I was wondering why the term "brazen conduct" is now being used - is it to narrow down pubs actions so that they are in more of a corner as to why they did what they did when in front of a jc?? Would that not allow for more df's???
Smoking...Older than the Bible...
by Botzwana in
so if the practice of smoking is older than the bible, why wasn't it listed as a sin in the bible since jehovah's witnesses consider it a sin?
surely it was popular to do back then right?.
Look up marijuana on Wikipedia -- supposedly used by the assyrians, aryans, Jews of ancient times -- granted I did say supposedly -- interesting article
Creationist Theme Park: "Ark Encounter"
by leavingwt insay hello to ark encounter.. .
kentucky governor unveils plans for creationist theme park complete with full-sized ark.
.. a joint project between beshear and answers in genesis -- a christian organization that also built a similar attraction, the creation museum -- the park will reportedly cost at least $150 million and create 900 jobs, according to the news release.. beshear's spokesperson kerri richardson declined to comment beyond what was in her office's news release on the project.. the amusement park, named ark encounter, will include all the modern recreation amenities, including: a full-sized wooden ark, a "walled city much like was found in ancient times, a replica of the tower of babel with exhibits, a first-century middle eastern village" and even outdoor parking.
Hi Sir 82 -
Go back to Genesis again and check out Tubal Cain - hundreds of years before Noah -- and another builder has built the Ark in Holland - to spec -
Are you familiar with log houses?? They have to be watertight and resist rain, storms, etc...
Huge beams and cross beams, strategically placed to withstand great pressures had to be "manufactured" with the iron tools they would have to do the work... you aren't just thinking of building a house, which has to have retain ing walls, beams,uprights, you are building a place bigger than 3 football fields over years and years of labour... seven people and probably huge land aminals, elephants, etc to bring down the trees, and haul them--- then as the timbers were placed, elephants using a hoist system could raise them to be positioned......
huge wooden plugs could be used for nails -- or iron spikes, since they had it at that time.. grooved pegs that fit into joint holes to secure huge logs and the list goes on... no small venture
Josephus writes of the flood account - and also cites other nationalities as verifying this account: Berosus the Chaldean who stated-- "it is said there is still some part of this ship in Armenia, at the mountain of the Cordyaeans and that some people carry off bits of bitumen, which they take away and use as amulets. Another historian Hieronymus the Egyptian who worte of the Phoenician Antiquities and Mnaseas make mention of the flood. Another, Nicolaux of Damascus speaks of the flood and the ark..
Jesus spoke of the flood and the ark -- I guess it comes down to what you want to believe...
Any carpenters on here today to verify what would be needed for this structure..
Will check back later..
Attention Born in Lurkers
by stuckinamovement indo you feel that something has changed within god's organization?
have you noticed that in the past several years there has been a more authoritarian spirit displayed in the publications and from the platform?
i am in the beginning stages of a fade away and wanted to express my thoughts.
I agree with all you state -- it is not the "truth" we started out with.. now we are stuck, so to speak.. new light is appearing -- i.e. generation -- well, one of the GB just passed away-that was the last of the old timers who saw/understood 1914 -- with them gone, we were supposed to be gone too.. not so.. now -- the "generation" thinking is overlapping with newbie GB members being brought in, we have to stay around til the second sealing and the choosing will THEN be complete-the other point is that when that occurs -they are all supposed to be in heaven -well the society says some will still be on earth - go figure...
Now the Annointed - as you state-they are increasing - so now they are no longer replacements for some who may have gone astray - when!! -- If 300 strayed, then 300 would come in to replace, the numbers would stay the same or reduced as death took them,hence the numbers would drop -- not so... no explanation --
Creation days - now aeons long, even tho they said this a looong time ago, they are now bringing it back to the forefront -- so with aeons of time in the pre human creation -- how does that tie in with the 6,000 years(days) for our freedom on the 7,000th year(day)?? That was all based on the creative time periods - so does that mean, we have aeons to go before the new system now?
Preaching work--what about the book of life or scroll of Life in which all those who are to receive life are written? -Does this mean that we are waiting for those are yet to be born, then the end will come, so it does not matter how much we preach, would these ones automatically see Jehovah's love and put faith in Jesus death?
And Yes, Jesus is my mediator -- he can mediate for the 144,000 but he can also meadiate for me and you and anyone who puts faith in his sacrifice - the Bible tells me so.. I remember that song from my sunday school!
And that is my thoughts for today.... it is a struggle but I believe Jehovah/Yahweh knows all our hearts and knows we are troubled and will give us peace, in whatever form it comes, and this board, when all is said and done, is a great help
Today, when you are baptized, you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit included in question 1 - where it is supposed to say - In the name of the Father, The Son AND the Holy Spirit---Matt 28:19,20 ---- which we recently have had two WT's saying this is what is included -- but it is NOT
Check out the questions for baptism and see where in question 2 - they have inserted a vow for you to be loyal to God's earthly organization"...
Video: Jehovah's Witness Elders Lie and Call Police
by leavingwt in(via free minds).
jehovah's witness elders lie and call police.
on october 31, 2010 jehovah's witnesses elders lie when asked by charles huff, also a jehovah's witness, if they shun ex-members of the jehovah's witnesses' religion.
Disturbing -- too confrontational, he needs to learn how to be able to approach someone to get an answer..
Does he really think he gets points for this?
JW's aren't the only ones who "shun" -- but it was too bad that no one got the point across to him that some don't wish to be a witness anymore, hence they are df'd or da'd -- that is their choice - the congregation of either SDA,Mormon,JW, Scientology, etc.. do not interact anymore with them as they believe it is scriptural policy...
Heck-- if you join a club and want to change the rules, you will be kicked out, at least thats what I believe.. and the members will not contact you as you are not of the same mindset as you supposedly were when you joined..same with scriptural policies of some belief organizations.. everyone has a choice..... so...........................
Creationist Theme Park: "Ark Encounter"
by leavingwt insay hello to ark encounter.. .
kentucky governor unveils plans for creationist theme park complete with full-sized ark.
.. a joint project between beshear and answers in genesis -- a christian organization that also built a similar attraction, the creation museum -- the park will reportedly cost at least $150 million and create 900 jobs, according to the news release.. beshear's spokesperson kerri richardson declined to comment beyond what was in her office's news release on the project.. the amusement park, named ark encounter, will include all the modern recreation amenities, including: a full-sized wooden ark, a "walled city much like was found in ancient times, a replica of the tower of babel with exhibits, a first-century middle eastern village" and even outdoor parking.
LWT:----If they floated it, it would not make money as would the land locked ark and theme park...
As a thought -- who says the animals had to be fully grown -- as Noah and the family were in the ark for a year -- the animals could have been brought on as babies...a lot less weight and less hay to feed them with,less poop to scoop... with seedlings on board all all this manure, they would have perfect gardens too for fresh foods and veggies-- just a thought - off the wall -- but with chicken, duck eggs and fruit and veggies - which they could have started before they got on board the ark since it took them estimated over 50 years to build...a lot of planning could be done in that time -- think of the survivalists today and the great plans and efforts they have.....
Zedinna:-- as to Noah having to build with ark with stone tools - check out Gen 4:22 -- Tubal Cain was a worker of every sort of tool both in copper and iron- so they knew forging techniques that would aid in the cutting and forming of trees... Tubal Cain lived hundreds of years before Noah and his sons-the knowledge would be passed on thru the family lines..
The middle east today is not what was there 6000 years ago - topography and land was totally different.. think of the tall trees of Mamre
think of Eden being covered with grasses and trees - it covered a large area according to some historians and acheologists, Noah built the ark in that area - as a matter of fact, most of the biblical history came out of that area... reference bible says it was probably gopher wood or cypress- resinous trees that would naturally dispell water as that is what the ark was sealed with...