JoinedTopics Started by thebigdebate
Fate & Bible Prophecies-what do you think?
by DisconnectingDrone injw's are taught that there is no fate-if fate existed no one would be responsible for what they did?
however, i always thought their explanation of jehovah selectively looking into the future was fuzzy.
take the prophecy of cyrus conquering babylon and freeing the israelites back home.
still saying the end is near !!!!!!!!!!!!!
by mattbetrayed inwent to a convention to keep the wife happy but so glad i did as they still are saying that they are the only ones to be saved the rest of us all dead and that the young ones should not get educated but be pioneers dont get jobs but further the wtbs way of life have nothink like christ but they have the best things the life they have in the bethel is good best food etc good cars they dont have to pay for they are real false prophets just cult masters nothing else i try to show my wife that these people are false but to me it is superstitionon her part makes me sick they are still banging on about the end of the world and that god is going to kill us all i have never belived that my god of love would do that why send your son our saviour if you want kill the whole planet save a few noway .
still they are so wrong just thought i would let you guys know that they still think that they are the only true servants of god how sad they are so not allowed to check there own history i did and saw god was not there bless you all christ saves if you really know him jesus love you all
Wife Angry! Witnesses only call around to "count time" never casual calls??
by Witness 007 inon the weekend 2 sets of witnesses called on us during witnessing {we are both in-active now}....what's going on i thought!!
......c.o visit with a theme of "encouraging those weak in the faith.
" so, witnesses start calling after a year and a half, but only offical like during witnessing time....mistake number two, they "placed" 17 watchtowers with my wife.....mistake three, a sister said she was "concerned" about my wife like she was mental or something!
by thebigdebate inhere is my story:.
i was born and raised a jw.
i aux pioneered (60 hours) in the summers when school was out.
by thebigdebate inhere is my story:.
i was born and raised a jw.
i aux pioneered (60 hours) in the summers when school was out.
Help pls download WT Library
by zakheyold inpls help me find free downloadable full watch tower library (all publications) in text format (editable) (txt, doc, html etc) for 1917 - 1949 years or for any subperiod.
thank you very much for helping.
ps sorry for my terrible english, it isnt my native lang.
Hi everyone! im also a newbie here.
by dhand inhi everyone, thought it was time to say hi after nearly a year lurking on this site!!
abit about me... i was born into the jw's and have been baptised for about 15yrs and was appointed as an ms about a year ago.
i have been a die hard jw for the last few years, but because of the arrogant and unloving attitude of certain 'spirit appointed' men within the cong and circuit i began to wounder if what i had really was 'the truth' and caused me to do some digging on some of the fundamental teachings.
Name Certain Things JWs Can't Do
by minimus inhere's one thing to start off our list: jws can't stand for the country's national anthem (but they can rise for the flag salute).
Apostate Attack Caught on Tape!
by V inlook at those sheep run!.
by thebigdebate ini have heard from my father (who is an elder about 50 years old) that there is a great seperating work going on within the org.
he said that almost all of the people my age 25 to 35 have quit going to our hall (about 20 people).
i have not been to a meeting in about 1 year.