there was a pedo in the hall i went to, but he obviously has other mental problems too...
there were no witnesses to what he did, but he was disfellowshipped, and was in jail too, and has his problems there too, became violent...
he is back in the hall now, years later, he is a registered sex offender, everyone in the hall knows about it, and no one lets him near kids.
From what i "hear", stories like this are rare, unfortunately. (i mean those of pedos actually getting justice as jw)
JoinedPosts by Solace1998
Is Pedophilia Really A Huge Problem With Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus injws say they are clean and pure and undefiled and not like the world but in reality there are those that do very evil things and they either have fallen through the cracks, have gotten disciplined or disfellowshipped.. we realize that just because a person says they are a christian, it doesn't mean they will always act like one.. regarding pedophiles, do you believe that jws have a huge problem involving an infestation of pedos?
What JW teaching did you find hardest to defend??
by karter infor me it was that god is killing billions of people just to prove a point.
what about you?
"Another less emotional one is: Accepting blood fractions but not contributing to the blood supply."
wow, i have never thought of this, thank you!!!!
overall, i am glad for the advancements made in bloodless surgery, but this is RIDICULOUS!!!! -
Is There ANYTHING More Monotonous Than Living As A JW?
by minimus ini look back and think of how mindless, boring and dumb it all was.
i think of having to sit at mind numbing meetings, bored to tears, making believe i was enjoying the fine spiritual banquet.. i think of how we used to drive around in "service" looking for nothing to do----just so that we could put our time in---hoping that no one was home.. everyone had to conform to direction and whims of elders or the society.. i am soooooooooo glad i'm out!.
yeah, i think witnesses really do have a grip on it -- biblically - imo they have cleared up alot of misunderstandings about the bible, and its meaning. When compared to other "christian" religions, they are an OASIS of truth lol, but that is not saying much, as i utterly despise religion in all forms now. It is all just making people separated, and enforcing man made rules.
but yeah, they are FAR from being there, especially after the things i have been researching lately... not to mention the experiences i have endured.
i mean, is it really so offensive for someone to have a point of view?!?!! And then for them to revise it later? Im not an organization proclaiming to be the truth. I am a human being that is seeking answers, i am prone to change my stance, no?
"your words are often angry and lash out at everyone who doesn't agree with you."
show me one place i lashed out as someone without being mocked or insulted first?
my words are not angry, unless i am defending myself in the face of anger and ignorance. My words are blunt, sure... ill give you that. But i think sometimes what helped me get through this is a sharp, painful realization of truth.
"Discussion of it in a favorable light is certainly banned as doing so will result in removal of privileges."
strange, many i know that have discussed it are still elders...
and that doesnt mean aux pioneer whilst IN college, although certainly for the goal of pioneering or otherwise trying to put spiritual goals first, after.
"You call the posts on this website "drivel" but get upset when someone calls you on it ?"
man, i never generalized the whole site like this. I have learned alot, and got some really cool downloads of real documents that i can use for my research. It has been most helpful.
"'Jehovah's Witnesses has any solid basis to live through Armageddon',"
i have seen this comment made, and despise it. Especially when it says "baptized" JWs -- there is SUCH a misconception perpetuated in the borg about this - and a double standard really.
If you look at my posts (which i dont think you really have) you will see i acknowledge SEVERAL double standards, and have been hurt by these -- but at the same time, i am not so unbalanced as to ignore my quite positive experiences that i had as well.
is this so hard to understand? -
The SHOW must go on!!!
by leaving-jws ini remember when i was a kid in "the truth.
there was an elderly sister that had a heart attack during the meeting.
she made loud gasping sounds as she was holding on for dear life.
a child in the kingdom hall was choking on a toy..
a brother heard it, ran to the front of the hall, and performed the heimlic (sic)... and a nurse pioneer also assisted.
the child was fine.
the brother didnt pause an instant.
I felt pretty awkward after that. -
What JW teaching did you find hardest to defend??
by karter infor me it was that god is killing billions of people just to prove a point.
what about you?
im not trying to attract anyone to "the truth" i dont even believe its "the truth" anymore...
and im not condemning anyone by saying they are idol worshippers, they just ARE. They worship idols. Any person can see that, not just jws.
and all i was saying about science is that, well science can be too deep to understand by some people sometimes, that doesnt make it a figment of the subconscious mind.
Im not comparing jw teachings to science. I just think its a weak argument.
I do not protect pedos, i despise it. I hear and see conflicting thigns about what the borg has done in this regard. Im just glad im out of it, okay? -
What JW teaching did you find hardest to defend??
by karter infor me it was that god is killing billions of people just to prove a point.
what about you?
well, rings are kind of insignificant compared to the many practices that go along with birthday celebrations...
and really, a birthday IS a celebration -- a ring is just a symbol, to me it is different.
but i see your point, and have always wondered about this. Although i see a distinction - how come you cant clink your glasses together or raise a toast?!!?! A ring is certainly on the same level as THAT... jeez. -
Grass anyone?
by Quirky1 inthe title may have lured you here but since it is summertime i am just curious how many people here have yards they have to take care of?
if so, how big of a yard do you have?
what do you use to mow your yard?
the reason you mow your lawn is because you long to live in paradise forever
:chuckle: -
I have a wierd take on praying, what about you?...
by Hecklerboy ineverytime i talk to someone about praying they say that they pray all the time.
talk to god whenever they can.
well i'm just the opposite.
i feel weird about praying, but dont know why :shrug:
post - df experience
by Solace1998 init was a shock to many when i was df'ed -- .
but i found afterwards, many did not want to obey the arrangement... one sister cornered me at a local supermarket, and made sure everything was okay with me, and if i ever needed someone to talk to, that she and her hubby were available... .
there is more to this, but another sister i worked with was quite ardent about talking to me about much more than just work .
damn, thanks.
keep in mind, these were extreme witnesses that shunned me before any announcement just cause it involved their "worldly" (ggrrrr) sister and they ASSUMED they knew what happened (even though they were right it gave them so grounds to judge me).... -
If you weren't born in, how did you get in?
by ecuador ini am not a jw, but know several, and i am curious as to why adults get involved with the jws.
any one have an answer from personal experience?
yeah, thats what happened.
The only witness i knew was a disfellowshipped athiest, who didnt even reveal he was a witness until later on, after studying.