Anna Marina says: "Try moving beyond Exodus 34"
Ok how's this? How about all the innocent Egyptian babies that were slaughtered for only being "guilty" of being the first-born? What did they do to deserve that?
Next on my about of Job's children that died just because supposedly God and Satan had a bet if Job would stay steadfast? What did they do?
How about Jephthah's daughter having to answer for a vow he made to god at Judges chapter 11? What did she do? Why not allow him to answer for himself and let her make her own vows? The list goes on and when people try and say the bible teaches we answer only for our own sins I say wholeheartedly and unreservedly "BULLSHIT"
But to get back to my original OP I was just trying to figure where these people think we owe them anything for what happened in the past. I've never owned slaves and they've never been slaves.