JoinedTopics Started by amama2six
What was the most laughable JW teaching??
by chuckyy inhi all.
in your opinion, what was the silliest , most laughable watchtower teaching/doctrine, since its beginning until now???.
11-yr old wants to get baptized, father objects, elders interfere
by Bonnie_Clyde inthe mother went to the elders when the dad objected to the girl getting baptized.
this prompted a visit from the elders who counselled him for wanting to hold his child back from baptism.
this girl is immature even for an 11-year old.
Weed Anyone??
by Quirky1 inagain my previous thread was about mowing.
so, what about trimming your yard or garden?
do you you use a wed eater to trim?
Best JW tall story/variations of it?
by KW13 indont just list one, list them all so we can laugh because in all honesty i can't believe we believed some of them.
for example, i was told annie lennox stopped a concert to ask if there was any jw's in the audience, and if there was could they leave as they were stopping the demons getting this even remotely true?
did annie lennox ask the jw's in the audience to move because they were stopping the snack lady getting through...and it got twisted through chinese whispers.... the other day (i felt sick) one witness was banging on about how amazing it was that the watchtower society's building was the only one standing stepdad responded with a 'wow thats amazing' and the first brother was like 'yeah i know'...grrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaah screaaaaaaaaam .
Is Pedophilia Really A Huge Problem With Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus injws say they are clean and pure and undefiled and not like the world but in reality there are those that do very evil things and they either have fallen through the cracks, have gotten disciplined or disfellowshipped.. we realize that just because a person says they are a christian, it doesn't mean they will always act like one.. regarding pedophiles, do you believe that jws have a huge problem involving an infestation of pedos?
Let's Talk About Anything ! I can take it ! How is Your Life Going ?
by flipper inso- thought i'd start a thread to see how life is treating you folks !
let's talk about anything you want .
we will let the direction of the thread take it's own course !
My Wife's In The Hospital
by Yizuman inhello folks, .
long time, no post .
so we checked in the next day and got her in a room.
It's official....Bookstudy is DOA
by CoonDawg inokay, so my wife and mom both got back from their public talk / wt study this evening.
my loudmouthed sister asked if there were any announcements.
the bookstudy is hereafter known as "the congregation bible study".
How many here are using Vista?
by dinah inand how many of you hate it??.
we've got to get a new computer because this one's about to die.
everything has vista, but i've heard so many people say they hate it.
DRAMA SUMMARY: 2005 District Convention - Pursue Goals That Honor God
by ithinkisee ini forgot how ridiculously fictional and manipulative this drama was until i just typed up these notes:.
jonathan enters, and everything is better.