JoinedTopics Started by amama2six
For members of JWS...
by amama2six inright now our usual address will not bring you to the site.
until dns servers on the web update please use this address here to our new web host. .
JWS down for maintenance...
by amama2six inmy husband is working on getting us back up as soon as possible.
sorry for any inconvenience!
Looks like SATAN is persecuting me!!!
by amama2six ini just got off the phone with my stepmother (who is in the hospital with a shattered femur and wrist from a moped accident).
i had previously thought that her and my father were inactive, but now it appears they may be on their way back in to the borg.
we were talking about a visit she'd had with my daughter and how my daughter's father was calling constantly to "check up" on what was going on (nice little rant about what a jerk he is) when i hear her say "yeah, it was really irritating for him to be calling so much, we were getting calls from the brothers and didn't want him interrupting us!
Poetry Heals
by amama2six infor some, at least, myself being one.. i went through a really rough period at about 14 years old and had two poems come to me out of nowhere...i literally started writing and minutes later had a finished product.
one i can post here but the other i fear may be too graphic for the forum (as it describes an actual experience).
i'd be happy to send it to anyone who wants to read it, though, just shoot me a pm!.
Let's hear some crazy/cool stories!
by amama2six inmy husband reminded me of something crazy we did when we first started dating, so i thought i'd share it here and see if anyone else has some fun stories to add!.
we went out to dinner one in a nice dress and him in a dress shirt and slacks.
afterward we decided to hit the beach for a nice moonlit walk in the sand.
Just got a phone call...
by amama2six inmy oldest daughter (who is currently up in ct) just called to tell me my stepmother (wicked witch of the west) was in an accident yesterday evening.
she was riding a moped and crashed it into a parked car (don't ask me what an overweight 53 year old woman with bad knees is doing on a moped but whatever...supposed to save on the cost of gas or something).
anyway...she shattered her right leg and wrist in the accident (her good walking side) and apparently will never be the same.
Serena Williams...Comments on Obama for President
by amama2six in
i wonder if this got her a trip to the "back room" with the elders...or if her monetary donations allow her to be a little more free with her speech than the average jw.
notice how venus refused to comment at all!.
Out of Body Experiences
by amama2six ini know there's been some talk of paranormal...but i wanted to be more specific with my post.
i am going to admit to something i have only recently come to realize about my time being raised as a jw.
blame it on selective memory (or lack of much memory at all).
Is this normal???
by amama2six ini joined a few days ago thinking "hey, maybe i will find people that i have something in common with!
" i did not come here expecting what has happened to me.
i am reading experiences and doctrine and suddenly getting very angry and confused.