How about blaming Jehovah for Bath'Sheba's child's death after she had relations with K' David.
JoinedPosts by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH
Was There Any WT. Teaching That You Never Agreed With From The Start?
by minimus indid you accept everything the "slave" said?
do you feel posting on JWD helps or hinders your recovery?
by burningbridges insometimes i wonder if posting on this site helps me "recover" from the trauma that the witnesses put me through, and have no doubt it does at times.
no where else is there such a support team of individuals who know personally what you've been through and how you feel.
but at the same time, i often wonder if coming on here causes me to obsess in a way, preventing me from "moving on" with my life.
I really liked Simon's take. He suggested that this site should be for a person to become an ex-EXJW. That showed me that there is a graduation to all of this. Unlike the Theocratic School where I would still be giving those #2 Talks. Stop spending time when this becomes as mundane as the TMS.
Do you find yourself kinda thinking conspiricy theorist are maybe correct?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini don't know if it is me or if it is becauce i was taught so much false teachings growing up, or maybe that the watch tower publications are about a 10th grade level and when i read a thoughtful article i want to believe it.
but boy, television media seems to present the public with truths the same way the watchtower presents its truth.
with 10 minute sound bites, never getting to deep and really not explaining very well the history of some of the subjects.just a thought!
That was a good take "what to read and what to believe is always the issue" becauce with the internet so much is easy to read about that a person almost chooses what to think by what he reads. I was watching a you-tube broadcast about McCain and it made him look as wicked as could be. Then I watch something on You Tube on Obama and samething....just as good of an explaination but same result ..."bad Obama"! So if a person only watched one video then they really would have been convinced about their beliefs in who they voted for. Uh-oh...thats sounds earily similar to something else I experienced...LOL!
My First Post!!!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inafter a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
Hello Aude Sapere, yes i did make a new start. I just tried to get on the board after work one night. Had no idea that it was a big deal to accept some weird alias. Read many months worth of cool takes by all of you on this forum. Wanted to start replying but wanted an alias that fit me. This is what I came up with. It speaks for the Smurf and for me! Anyhow thanks for the help earlier I over looked a simplicity.
Why does the WTBT Society exist?
by Princess Daisy Boo inthey don't really have the truth so it can't be that?
unless "they" at the top truly believe it - do you think they do?.
is it for monetary gain?
One more take on this....I really felt that there were 2 types of JW's. The inborn and the adult that came into the organization as an adult. But after some studying I really think that post 1975 JW's are differnet frome those after. I really believe when I grew up in the 80's the brothers were more scared of truth and less secure with their beliefs and it showed during the meetings.
Why does the WTBT Society exist?
by Princess Daisy Boo inthey don't really have the truth so it can't be that?
unless "they" at the top truly believe it - do you think they do?.
is it for monetary gain?
This has been a question that I thought about too. Here's my question to you out there. How can one say that Albert Shroeder believed in it , when it was understood the JW's should not go to college, yet he sent his son to a university? How can Fred Franz believe in it, when he knew he manipulated the 1914 belief and put Russel's picture in the You Can Live Forever book, when Russel had a differnt take on 1914 and Franz new that?
how do you youtube?
by whitman ini'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
This is a great post. amicus and I had some takes earlier about conspiracy theories. I really think what is a conspiracy on TV is not on the internet. Remember JW's think we are the conspiracy.
how do you youtube?
by whitman ini'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
I would have to say that I watch you tube for educational reasons. However as you will experience, education and entertainment go hand and hand when you are astonished!
how do you youtube?
by whitman ini'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
Absolutely it has replaced T. V. I Had to force myself to watch the All-Star game at Yankee Stadium. I have learned as much about real life history as I have learned about the JW's here at this site. It is unbeleivable. Then I go to people's house watch TV and see ridiculous reasoning and realize that what has happened with the JW's also is happening with America. There is a dumbing down of America by wicked people. Not that every one is dumb in America but they don't get any help from TV.
Consequences of being a JW
by Regretful_J ini've been thinking about what its like to be born and raised as a jw and the mistakes that parents make as an almost direct result of this cult.
for one thing, the children are not allowed to think freely, and if they say or do one little thing their parents disapprove of, they are chastised and basically bullied into abandoning that thought or action.
another thing is that no matter what you do, and no matter how good your reputation is among friends, teachers, administrators, etc if you don't want to go to meetings, and don't believe in this faith, they do what they can to make you feel lower then dirt for this and will often resort to verbal abuse, and sometimes violence to force you to believe in them and conform.
You know the irony for me is that I had a non-believing father who went along with my mom's takes. So for me it shows just how powerful using God as your basis for reason is. My dad never made us celebrate holidays, take advanced cources in High School or and the big one for me was this. Super Bowl XIX, Marino's only Super Bowl fell the weekend of our Circuit Assembly. I attended Saturday for my mom. Yet my dad made me go on Super Sunday and I told hiom "Do you know what it is like at the watchtower meeting on Sundayl? He went to 2 in his lifetime,so he could say yes. I said "multiply that by Saturday and Sunday. Let me watch the game"! But he just could not argue a religion based topic with his wife. Damn, that was the longest CA of my life!