Thank you for such a detailed explanation. I really liked your example of how this is similar to a marital agreement. That is true. And also excepting the priveledge of being a witness showed compliance as well. I want to make this clear.....I do not disagree with you on that explaination. Although unfortunately many of us did not approach bapticism as a priveledge but rather an expectation to show appreciation to Jehovah in recognition of what Jesus his son did for us. Giving up after school sports, proms and an education to preach door to door seems more like a sacrifice than a priveledge. But would you agree that your explanation does not explain when a child is bapticed and then is disfellowshiped as a minor. Example: I live in California here in the US. One is not an adult until 18. Would you agree that if a child was bapticed at 15 in California and then Disfellowshiped at the age of 17 that would be illegal or void. Just wanted to ask, this is as deep as anyone has explained this to me.
JoinedPosts by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
Wow...garybuss thank you for that infomation. I could never figure out how this df'ing thing could stay put. That does make sence though. The reality is these laws are not just for religion but for other aspects as well. Which someone underage needs to work out a contract. Let me present this though.....what really is the contract. Saying yes at the baptism. If so would a contract of any sort have to explain the terms of release. That the contract of any sort would have to say....either you can never leave..or you may be released if you discontinue by the age of 18, or what ever the legal age is.
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
You know what yknot, you make a good point. I feel though, that to someone on the outside that may make sence. Until you prove to an outsider just what they do if a child does not go out in service. First, adults will call the child names(irregular publisher). Then they will restrict them from social activities(participating in the school, having parts at assemblies, priveledges associated with those in good standing...parking lot attendents at the Memorial) It would be easy to prove to a jury that a child is turning in time becauce they have to, not becauce they are choosing to!
Was there ever a thread on the circuit assembly in 07 about the Do's talk?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inthe last assembly i attended was in 07. the do spoke about pushing and shoving and forcing the children to become bapticed!
i really was actually concerned not mad or angry but just concerned.
i think that was when i realized you have to either move on or become a part of the congregation and do your best to salvage whatever good there is in the congregations.
Were you parents strict or was it just your hall that was strict m0f6 ?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
mamaof6(I still feel funny calling you that! I am glad that you sent a reply on this. I thought of what you mentioned in my 07 CA topic. But to me this really seems quite obvious to me that they actually can not do this legally. Also the fact, and I did not think of it until it was posted, that they don't mention their past makes them a bit devious as well. Illegal and devious.....something tells me a jury of my peers would judge the WTBTS GUILTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
What do you mean by FS slip ups.........Faithful Slave slip ups?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini really believe this is one of the huge scandals of the wtbts.
to start, i just posted on the friends topic, a thread on the 07 circuit assembly.
i received replys that made me think of how if children could not be bapticed, how that alone could have blunted some of the disfunction in our lives.
Well, not that they have to love the child, but that they can not make a public statement about a child being no longer in the organization. That should be void. How can someone who has no ability to make a choice,(Example: get a job to leave home) be held accountable for making a decision to be a baptised witness. There are to many restrictions from the state(for me its California) to suggest that a child chooses willfully to be a witness just becauce they are baptised. Choices made by children should have no bearing on legal instruments(Levitical Law). Therefore any public stance against an individual's behavior as a minor should be in fact .....ILLEGAL
The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses
by jambon1 ini have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
It really was not directed to me. But boy...was it strange! A woman(sister) lost her husband and the topic that the elder choose to start within minutes of speaking with her, was about her needed to recognize that even though her husband would be resurrected the reality was she could not remarry him in the New World Order. How in the world can a person be that ridiculous???
JW splinter groups..
by fb130 ini was just wondering.
has the idea ever been brought up of a group breaking away from wts & forming some sort of reformed jw church that isn't so controlling.
like lurther & the catholic church.
This is my splinter group. Just alot of free thinkers, expressing themselves. I actually can pay attention for 2 hours without getting bored. Go figure!
Was there ever a thread on the circuit assembly in 07 about the Do's talk?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inthe last assembly i attended was in 07. the do spoke about pushing and shoving and forcing the children to become bapticed!
i really was actually concerned not mad or angry but just concerned.
i think that was when i realized you have to either move on or become a part of the congregation and do your best to salvage whatever good there is in the congregations.
mamaof6 I was just on some other topics, when I came across your thread that posted your pictures. Well at least you used some of your experiences to better and enrich your childrens lives! Isn't funny how it will be our children who dress up as the ones in "Black"! I guess you really can let kids express themselves in their own way and still have dicsiplined children. Props to coming out of a disfunctional religion and ending up with a beautiful family!