Maybe oversimplified, but...
'Misery loves company'...
Never as true as in the Kingdom Hall...
recently, an article appeared in broadcasting and cable magazine concerning the show "who wants.
to be a millionaire?".
apparently, the show isn't having as much success in russia because "people over.
Maybe oversimplified, but...
'Misery loves company'...
Never as true as in the Kingdom Hall...
many people i have spoke to on this site have found that becoming part of a christian group since leaving the witnesses has been of benefit to them.
i must admit at times i have considered visiting other churches or religions, but have not acted upon it.
but i am curious as to what's out there.. can anyone enlighten me?.
XQ, I would ask you to explain 'salvation theory' as JWs understand it correctly.
I hold that they don't understand it at all, of course this is all subjective.
What's the salvation theory for JWs? 'Do more and you just might make it.'? There is the Biblically held idea that salvation is a free gift, unable to be earned, or bought, or bartered. And this is why I say they don't get it.
I'd like you to expand on why the JWs do 'get it'.
edited for formatting
folks, after many an argument on-line about politics on this forum i have come to the conclusion that politics is $hit.
bush lies.
so does kerry.
Maybe this is my naiviety talking...
I don't think either political party (Dems or Repubs) will get serious about problem solving until there's a tangible threat from a third party. Until then, it's party first, damn the rest.
And isn't that the scam? Choose like you really have a choice, when you really don't. I just hope enough people wake up in time to do something about it. When is it gonna stop? When the government decides it needs 50 cents from every dollar I earn to do more nothing?
Washington is no longer an extension of the peoples' will, it is a parasitic entity, concerned with only its perpetuation at all costs. Remember that when your party asks for your loyal support.
AND...remember to cheat on your taxes. F* 'em...long, hard, and dry. because they're already doing it to you.
and of course it is stupendously unbelievably good.
another great one joe, you rule!!!
Actually Steve Vai is no slouch either...
You're right - he's probably even better (techinically) than Joe, but...
Something about Satch makes me have to give him the many of his tunes are so well constructed. He doesen't just 'go off' each and every time...he holds back at lot, for the sake of the song, and the songs are better for it. When he does cut loose, it seems so much more impressive, as a result.
A true musician of our modern times, if there ever was one. The fact that this stuff isn't for mass popular consumption makes it even more special to me. When I listen to Satriani, I feel like I found gold in the backyard.
the very act of looking into the future, changes -- indeed, negates -- that future.
So in the case of the cat in the box - the cat is both dead and alive until the box is opened and we see what universe we're in by the outcome?
Is that the gist of that theory?
this whole blame the president thing is getting old.
you "anyone but bush" people kill me.
you're all so quick to condemn but have you any real constructive criticism?
Did anyone mention why the US can't play hardball with the Saudis regarding terrorism? Check out where their money is.
This a mess.
the very act of looking into the future, changes -- indeed, negates -- that future.
Is this anything similar to the idea that observing a particle changes its position, therefore a particle's position always remains unknown?
things you never hear in a kingdom hall...
it's my turn to sit in the front roll.. .
'So-and-so is doing so well since he left the truth.'
'That sister is so fat and she's getting even fatter, I wonder when the elders are gonna counsel her about respecting her body.'
'I don't care where they tell us to rent rooms for the assembly, I'm gonna stay where I want to.'
'It doesn't matter if Armageddon comes tomorrow or in 100 years, let's just serve God because it's the right thing to do.'
'We've got to stop counting coffee breaks and driving time as service time. From now on, we're only gonna count the time spent actually talking to people.'
Honest Elder: 'I don't care what the CO wants to hear, I'm gonna lay it out for him, as it is.'
what are people's experiences here of jw's who let their kids play sports and the consequences for them?.
for instance did you know any kids who played little league or high school football or basketball?.
any canadiens who allowed their children to play hockey at any of the levels?.
Blondie, my parents split when we were very young. Mom raised us by herself. What you said makes sense. What the heck kind of 'status' are the elders gonna take away from a single JW woman that hasn't been taken away already?!
I really do resent the JW upbringing, but I'm glad Mom was a little more liberal than most. Probably had something to do with her being single - no idiot JW husband to lord it over us all, trying to prove he's the shit. When I look at the elder's kids I grew up with, I really do appreciate the fact that it could've been much worse.
Mom also held up college as a goal for us, and we're all either in or graduated. A rare breed, my Mom is. Maybe if there were a few more like her, this thing would look less like a cult.
what are people's experiences here of jw's who let their kids play sports and the consequences for them?.
for instance did you know any kids who played little league or high school football or basketball?.
any canadiens who allowed their children to play hockey at any of the levels?.
All of us (my family, not the whole congregation youth) played HS sports, did HS drama, did band...etc...
Mom was reasonable, in that regard. I think she kept the elders off her back by making sure we were all 'pillars' of the congregation.
All except me are still witnesses. I guess it's not as dangerous to the membership as the WT thinks it is.