Ecclesiates 1:18
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.
what is your favorite bible scripture that the jws have misinterpreted ?.
Ecclesiates 1:18
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.
if you have your eyes and ears open and can put 2 and 2 together, you have like many of us, have figured out that there is an impending financial collapse in the united states.
the type of financial collapse that likely has never been seen.. whether you believe this is being done intentionally by global power hungry groups bent on bringing us to our knees, in order to push their agenda, or whether it is being done out of carelessness and stupidity is hardly relevant at this point.. the writing is on the wall.
experts (and all who want to) can see it , high level officials expect it, and are already implementing the contingencies that are needed in order handle the civil unrest that will ensue.
In the event of economic calamity, I figure the WT will gain in one way and lose in another...
The fearful will see events as 'proof positive' that the WT as right about THE END, and the Organization will enjoy new & stronger devotion from its adherents...
But also, the necessities of life will dry up contributions even further. So while the zealots may run hotter than normal, their ability to sustain the Org. will be diminished. Their usefullness will be quite limited.
while reading the thread about the jw elder clearing his conscience, i had the thought.... .
while taking everyone's experiences in the jw org at face value, we all certainly had different influences present around us concerning education.. .
it is clear to me that within the jw org, there is a spectrum running from hard-liners to very liberal, in this particular matter.
While reading the thread about the JW elder clearing his conscience, I had the thought...
While taking everyone's experiences in the JW ORG at face value, we all certainly had different influences present around us concerning education.
It is clear to me that within the JW ORG, there is a spectrum running from hard-liners to very liberal, in this particular matter.
My question is, what does this do to the JW ORG over time?
I can only guess that this dynamic would tend to stratify things. Liberal families who allow(encourage?) their children to get a college education might not retain their kids in the ORG, but the ones who stay would tend to have better careers; make more money, then the ones whose eschewed higher education.
Families who 'got the message' would tend to stagnate, and the ones who didn't would, more-or-less, drift upward. I could see this breeding some real resentment within congregations.
i see it posted that many are 'waking up' etc.
but the religion is still growing!
many enjoy the kool-aid.
Aye, but I think that the RCC has demonstrated a survival instinct by a willingness to bend with the times, and not care so much about what its members think and say and do.
I do not see this adaptability in the WT Organization. I think they will weather the storms much more poorly.
there have been wild rumors about the world's gold reserves for years - being faked with tungsten.
this latest discovery, involving some reputable dealers, could start a panic.. metatron.
Yes, I speak in a very general sense - the creation of money divorced from productive economic activity...
there have been wild rumors about the world's gold reserves for years - being faked with tungsten.
this latest discovery, involving some reputable dealers, could start a panic.. metatron.
Yes, I guess the same concerns are at work. In Zimbabwe , the FRN or Euro are viewed as preferable when the Zimbabwe dollar (now suspended due to hyperinflation) is the alternative.
The thing is, the issues that torpedoed the Zimbabwe dollar are still very much real and in play for the FRN and the Euro. There's nothing 'hard' about the FRN except a military that can topple foreign governments and the US Government's willingness to use it.
there have been wild rumors about the world's gold reserves for years - being faked with tungsten.
this latest discovery, involving some reputable dealers, could start a panic.. metatron.
Point of interest, R. Paul is not an advocate of re-linking the dollar to gold, per se.
He's an advocate of legalizing alternate currency, to compete side-by-side with FRN. Presumably, a new legal currency would be commodity based, in some fashion, giving us savers a place to store our purchasing power, while the FRNs are inflated into oblivion...
my mom has had visits from various jws and they have asked her if they could say a prayer before they left.
i respectfully listened to the prayers while i was visiting and might silently say amen if i felt the prayer was appropriate for my mom.. i'm just curious, how would you handle this type of situation?.
I had a very dear JW grandparent die recently.
The Memorial Service contained a beautiul EULOGY to their life and personality. I was happily...shocked!
Of course, at the end was the 'reminder', 'plea', get right with God, as my grandparent did. But it was far from heavy-handed advertisement we have growm accustomes to in the KH. It was more of an obligatory gloss-over, if anything.
This one elder....I don't know why he did what he did. He broke from the script, and did an absolutely wonderful thing for my family.
I, of course, have different opinions concerning JW doctrine/beliefs - but at the concluding prayer, I said 'AMEN'. And I meant it. And I'd do it again.
i understand the reasons for the desire to raise the minimum wage, but as a small business owner, i'll have to raise prices to keep my margins profitable.
a 30% hit is pretty substantial..
Why all this farting around with these piecemeal increases? Why not just make it somewhere from $15 to $20 bucks per hour and guarantee decent wages for everyone employed?
i hate his social views, but thats not what will bring this country to its knees.
his new ad really has me thinking....