Prodigal: Wow, seems like EVERY ancient civilization had a narcissistic arsehole god!
Actually, Prodigal, it seems like the same death god in all of these cultures. He gets renamed occassionally, but can still be identified by the same attributes and the same cruel demands placed on his slaves.
Even with the JWs the religion centers around death. Sometimes I think more emphasis is placed on death and judgement and fear of those things than the importance placed on "paradise". With JWs the judgement is both in the here and now AND at Armageddon AND judgment continues into the promised land "paradise".
There is no true freedom of the human spirit in any of this.
Do all the dead go to Molech? If he is in charge of the underworld in all these cultures, apparently he claims these lives in death. Will those who belong to Molech be resurrected?
Is Molech still being served today?