I'm going to my JW "Bible" study tonight. We are on chapter 8 and will pick up at par 15. Any suggestions for questions to ask?
Questions to ask from Bible Teach Ch 8
by InterestedOne 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
You are at a good point to ask some serious questions about 1914.
The end of the chapter, paragraph 23, deals with 1914 and refers you to an appendix on pages 215-218.
You probably won't get this far tonight, but you can lay the ground work. How does the Watchtower come up with the date 1914? What did C.T. Russell teach about 1914 (perhaps suggest that you have heard that JW's have not always taught the same thing about 1914)? How and why is the date calculated.
Make the teacher prove the date scripturally, don't accept that because WWI happened in 1914 it backs up JW teaching. JW publications will also quote non-JW sources about how the world changed in 1914.
Ask for history lessons about the destruction of Jerusalem in 607BCE. Let him know you need this to have solid proof, scriptural proof. Remember, all authority that The Organization holds is based on the prophecy JW's use for 1914. Don't allow this to be glossed over. You might wake your teacher up or at least plant a seed.
Ask for history lessons about the destruction of Jerusalem in 607BCE. Let him know you need this to have solid proof. Don't accept this to be glossed over. You might wake your teacher up or at least plant a seed.
Definitely ask about this. They will say they need to do some research on the matter. In between, go and do your research on the matter too. Here is a GREAT article about it: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/607-1914.php
If you want much deeper info on it, the book "Gentile times Reconsidered by Carl Ooloff Johnson is a comprehensive indepth look at how Jerusalem COULD NOT have been destroyed in 607. It's an intense book, but it will prepare you to answer any refutation that the Watchtower can throw at you.
Black Sheep
By all means, read the KISS thread, and understand what it does, but don't show it to him and don't tell him what the conclusions from it are.
You want him to tell you what the conclusions from it are. You want him to draw up the king list for you, using the most reliable data he can get his hands on.
Tell him nothing.
Just ask the questions you need to ask to make him feel that he is obligated to draw up this list for you.
If he makes any statement that does not gel, ask for the documentation.
If he tries to 'prove' 607 using a different tack, tell him you will discuss that later. Right now, you are interested in/having trouble understanding/whatever, the king list.
Control the topic at all times.
If he wants to change the subject .... you have the right subject .... stick with it ..... embarrass him by accusing him of whatever tactic he used to try to change the subject. Act offended if he tries to fool you in any way.
Good luck
GREAT advice, Chris!
I hope you succeed InterestedOne.
When I laid out my doubts about the organization to the elders, I presented them with 607. It's really remarkable how it just bounces off them. Nothing sinks in. Hopefully you will have better luck than I did. I printed out the timeline of kings and everything. They just ignore it. I wouldn't expect to have much success against this person but keep pressing about it.
Please remember the tuly brain washed can't think for themselves any more you will have to think for them, press them, do not let him get off the subject. Ask if 1914 is what they have always taught.? put the squeeze on they have been trying to BS you now make them prove something using actualy evidence not numerology tactics.
jonathan dough
Eat his lunch with this information.
I just got back from the study. We made it to the end of the chapter & decided to discuss 1914 next time. I will read the KISS thread and the other info. I think he is also preparing for this discussion because when I very first started the study, he asked me if I had any questions. I had just started reading up on JW's, and their 1914 idea seemed strange, so I asked him about it. I had already skimmed over some of the problems like 587 and I told him about them. After a few roundabout discussions, he proposed that we table the issue and work through the Bible Teach book & see if 1914 makes more sense after I am more familiar with JW doctrine. I am curious to see how he is going to spin the issue. He has been pretty clever so far.