Setting aside the preconceptional bullshit about men being intellectual and women being emotive, the fact is that all life proceeds from the female. Not a single life form reproduces with only the male. Yet there are life forms that reproduce with only the female. Since all life comes from the female, then clearly the ultimate divine would have to be feminine.
That having been said, I dont believe in any of it, though I worship it in its non-existing existence. ..Consider...In order for something to be, something must always have been. Call it energy..a deity...whatever you choose. There have been societies that did not have a creative deity, or myth, the Irish among them. (this despite claims that this or that god or goddess was the irish creator of the world...including the various sun gods...again I will state there was no creation myth among the Irish)
Since something was always, there is no creation. There is only existence. Unless you consider the individual or the group as having been created..Ok then the stars were created by the big bang? Or you were created by your mother...
Which leads to a proper definition of god or goddess, as I use it. Anything that is deified is a deity. The sun, is a goddess in my pantheon (a god in most folks pantheons). We can personify something, this however does not mean that it has personality in the sense that we think of personality. Such traits make the image of the deified thing more vivid.
It is limiting to think of deity only in the confines of that which creates out of nothing, all things. The divine, can be figurative, and imaginative. It does not have to be, and is oft not, literal. I am a god, because I have deified myself. And you....the divine thus is for me, male, and female, and intersexed and genderless. All at once and the same time.
(corrected a typo)