Simon, I didnt know you were against duplicate accounts. Hope you arent to mad at me for the Initiate account and the Who Am I thread.
JoinedPosts by Hyghlandyr
Retraction for the Ladies
by waiting inin a post to imbue, i stated that julie and tina still had active accounts here.
i was mistaken - both women have had their accounts de-activated, whether by personal choice or simon's choice.
that's what that little line drawn through the poster's name means - "they are no longer with us.
Does anyone want this job??
by Soledad inposted at and
location: new york, ny.
date posted: 05/17/2002.
Hey ! I will do it. I think it kicks ass. I am already into research anyhow.
My mom isn't going to like this either!
by Elsewhere inhere is a pic of my phoenix tattoo:.
(let me know if it doesn't work so i can move the image to another server).
"as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
Hey! I think your tat is splendid. Did you design it or was it flash? Rock on yeaaaaaaaah baybe.
I am designing my tat. It will be a celtic knot. Eventually to cover much of my body, with little photos of important events and people from my life, my fantasies, and my dreams. Like my neices and nephews, my goddess Bridh, montana. And so forth.
Once again though your tat looks really great!
Research, JW Style
by DakotaRed inalso from the new school book, on page 33, there is a chapter entitled, "how to do research.
" on the right side of the page, there is a box listing appropriate research material:.
which of these research tools do you have?.
Sounds a lot like research Christian style. Vines Expository? Or Strongs? Or the Bible?
How about the Egyptian Book of the Dead?
The Baghvad Gita?
The Tain Bó Culaigne?
The Murder of Hypatia?
The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold?
The Jesus Puzzle. Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? : Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus ?
The Real Jesus : The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and Truth of the Traditional Gospels ?
The Historical Jesus : Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ ?
The Fabrication of the Christ Myth??As a starting list. JWs arent doing anything that christians havent done for centuries. Censoring, destroying and controlling information so that only their misperception of reality is allowed to filter through.
Are Aussies Gunna Join The Chorus?
by VioletAnai indon't forget all us aussie survivors/thrivers!
i would luv the world to see just how rampant abuse is in all walks of life.... can we open it up to other cultures/religions as well?
one united stand!
Hey violet, I will be going to the vigil in kentucky in a few days. I take you with me in spirit if you are game. I agree with you, I would like to see everyone united on this issue, regardless of religion, race, creed, philosophy, political party....whatever. We as adults need to take responsibility for the young ones that cannot protect themselves.
Retraction for the Ladies
by waiting inin a post to imbue, i stated that julie and tina still had active accounts here.
i was mistaken - both women have had their accounts de-activated, whether by personal choice or simon's choice.
that's what that little line drawn through the poster's name means - "they are no longer with us.
Prisca ok thanks. Um..can we say HYGH SCHOOL?
Retraction for the Ladies
by waiting inin a post to imbue, i stated that julie and tina still had active accounts here.
i was mistaken - both women have had their accounts de-activated, whether by personal choice or simon's choice.
that's what that little line drawn through the poster's name means - "they are no longer with us.
Um, what are you retractin dude?
Ven ok I will take a stab at it.
You are Venus, the lub goddess. Do I get a prize?
who the hell is hildabinger&mystikool?
by airwlk149 inok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
Well a lot of folks think being an active JW means agreeing with everything the society says. I dont think it has to mean that. There are many JWs who are pushing for reforms. I think eventually they will get them and that will be pretty cool. One of those reforms is being able to read and post things others say. Once they stop trying to be so controlling, they will find an influx of the old members. Kind of like the illustration the society uses all the time in reference to kids. Like a spring in the hand, if you hold it too long, and too tight it will snap and pop out, flying where you know not. If you release it gradually, it will remain in your hand and under your control. They should start applying that to themselves.
JW Thinking
by silentlambs inthe following was posted in my guestbook today.
rather than offer a comment i think the words speak for themselves.. silentlambs.
time: .
Someone just told me that perhaps you misunderstood my original post. If so then understand I did not intend in that case to go off on you. And I will try to keep my comments about the bible seperate from my comments about christians. But this is a personal issue for me. One that has a lot of anger in it. So I perhaps misdirected that anger towards you. So if that is the case hope you understand.