heybaby you have a PM.
By the way
Hope all goes well with your baby.
it seems that people on this site enjoying ganging up on people, most recently myself, and yet are slow to apologize.
that certainly reminds me of another group of people.
any guesses what group i'm referring to???
heybaby you have a PM.
By the way
Hope all goes well with your baby.
it seems that people on this site enjoying ganging up on people, most recently myself, and yet are slow to apologize.
that certainly reminds me of another group of people.
any guesses what group i'm referring to???
((((((heybaby))))) - just read of all the stressful things that are going on in your life at the moment. I went through something similar a few years ago when my mum got cancer and my brother tried to suicide at the same time. It is very very stressful.
So take care of yourself, especially now you have a baby on the way.
All the best
i had one of the best days i've had in a long time.
it was cold and snowy so i declared my own snow day.
and went for a walk with my dog in 13 degrees fahrenheit while treading through snowy slush.
Glad you had such a good day EmptyInside. And it was great you were able to reconnect with your friend.
Funny you were slushing through the snow and the cold while over here (Queensland, Australia) we were cooling off in our swimming pool.
All the best
is it acceptable for christian women to wear hair extensions?.
in bible times, the apostle peter advised christian women against "hair braiding and the wearing of expensive garb.
" the wearing of braids in one's hair has its origins in babylonian and greek culture.
"a form of cannibalism"
so far, no one has really bothered me.
i always wonder why.
then i read of how some are always getting calls and visits.
It could also be a matter of convenience to leave some alone for a while.
I believe that could be true in the case of my husband and myself. After 40+ years of being very active JWs (hubby an elder) we faded around 3 - 4 years ago. My father (an elder) gave us an ultimatum in January last year - return or my family cuts us off. When I told him we weren't going back he told me I was dead in his eyes and that also he was going to report us to our elders for apostacy.
That was 12 months ago. My family did cut us off but we have still not heard a peep from the elders in our old cong. We believe this is because we have my elderly MIL living with us. She is a staunch JW and her only other child is in Brooklyn bethel in the writing dept. He (my BIL) has told us that his position is way too important to come back to the Australian bethel so he is closer to us and can help out with his mother (who has very poor health as well as schizophrenia and is a real handful). He has also told us that he knows that if they stay in bethel he and his wife have the security of being looked after into their old age. (They have been in bethel for over 30 years.)
The elders in our last cong know him and one is a really good mate of my BIL. So we believe that it has been suggested that as long as my MIL is still alive that they don't make waves with us as who else is going to look after her.
my mom got a call from a friend who told her the 3/09 study wt has new light on the annointed.
anyone in the know?
When you want something new announced in a WT and nothing new is announced, then to get something new you merely "glean" something from the articles.
Or as my elder father proudly told me a month or so before he started shunning me:
"you need to read between the lines in the Watchtower to get the full understanding".
i am sick of jws, tired and depressed from a few things.
tell a joke, say something nice... please cheer me up.
KingA sorry to hear your feeling down.
Here's one for you that I read on another forum a while ago.
A man driving around the backwoods of Montana sees a sign in front of a broken down house: 'Talking Dog For Sale.' He rings the bell, and the owner appears and tells him that the dog is in the backyard.
The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there.
'You talk?' he asks.
'Yep,' the Lab replies.
After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he asks 'So, what's your story?'
The Lab looks up and says, 'Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help my country, so I contacted the CIA. In no time at all, they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping.'
'I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running. But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger. So I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible drug deals and was awarded a batch of medals.'
'I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired.'
The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner how much he wants for the dog..
'Ten dollars,' the guy says.
'Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?'
'Because he's a liar. He never did any of that sh*t'
i am still a member of the jw's organization.
i have been puzzled over some of the teachings for many years but as i seemed to be the only one querying things among my local jw's i felt as if i was going crazy.
i was very relieved to find this site, a few months ago, full of evidence to back up my findings, and so much more.. i am so grateful to you all.. i do not want to leave the organization until i have planted some seeds in my family to open their eyes.
Welcome utr. Great to have you here and glad your eyes have been opened.
All the best with your seed planting.
well it's xmas morning over here already so i just wanted to wish everyone a happy christmas.
all the best and hope you enjoy your day.. .
stay safe.
Well it's xmas morning over here already so I just wanted to wish everyone a happy christmas.
All the best and hope you enjoy your day.
Stay safe
i set up the whole gravitar account and seeing that i cant remember or find which email address i used for this forum, i did two join ups, with my email accounts i use.
followed all the links, uploaded a pic, cropped it, it said all good.... but no new avatar?.
what may i still be doing wrong?.
Hi Oz
Apparently they chache the pic for a little while. Mine took a little while to come through.
By the way JWN would have sent you an email when you registered your account so if you do a search on your emails if you still have it you can find out what account you used for JWN. That's how I found out which one I used.