Thanks TLD - really funny but true.
having lived in northern california for many years now, it's easy to take for granted the natural beauty that surrounds us.. .
i stumbled across this video today and was reminded of how lucky i am to have this kind of fog show within a day trip distance from my front door.. .
if you've got high speed internet, click on the hd.. .
as of today , it is illegal in mass.
and for good reason, although i have been guilty of it..
the watchtower ?
december 1, 2010 page 5,6 says:.
the ultimate personification of evil, satan stands in bitter opposition to jehovah, who personifies love.. .
it has been a year since i stopped attending meetings with the jehovah's witnesses.
as one year anniversary has passed, i thought it would be helpful to highlight some of the main events during this transition.
it may help others that are going through the same experience.
Hi Tasting - It's great to see you and your family doing so well now that you are out. You and your wife both have great thinking and reasoning ability and it would have eventually destroyed you if you stayed in the WT cult that supresses thinking and reasoning skills.
And it is fantastic that you are out while your children are young giving them the opportunity to grow up normally without all the ridiculous boundaries, rules and pressures put on young people within the JWs.
The shunning takes a lot of getting used to. Even if you have prepared for it as you did it still can hit you like a ton of bricks. In my case with my whole family shunning me, it took me well over a year to go through the grieving process. It was like having your whole family wiped out. At least you have some non JW family to connect with.
One of the things I also 'discovered' very early in my fading (before I even realised I was fading) is that 'worldly' people are not the evil, horrible, selfish people that we were led to believe whilst JWs. There are so many lovely caring, genuine people out there and doing what you and your wife are doing, getting involved in groups and clubs is an ideal way to make new friends.
So well done to you and your wife for coming this far. It hasn't been an easy ride but certainly one that was well worth every painful minute.
Wishing you both all the best.
ps - I so enjoyed the couple of weeks I spent with you both last month.
so what silly things have you been counselled on or simply been told off for?.
back in my early 20's, i had a pair of comfy old jeans that started to tear in about 3 places on the leg.
it was the fashion at the time so not only did they feel great to wear, they also looked 'in', not that i cared for that, but it was a bonus .
Not long after my husband and I got married a couple of the elders got all the newly married couples in the cong together and counselled us on showing affection during the meetings. We were told that the only acceptable thing was that we could hold hands and that if during the song or prayer the husband put his arm around his wife he was not to move his hand up and down, it must be kept still etc
Well just a couple of weeks after that we have our CO visit. This CO was newly married himself for the 2nd time to a girl 27 years younger than himself. During the meetings he couldn't keep his hands off his wife - his arm/hand was going up and down her back and on her neck etc for most of the meeting!
Wonder what the elders thought of that?
and it is a clear night here on the east coast of the usa.. so i took a few shots of the moon.
here is one that i liked.... .
anyone else a shutter bug?.
i composed this as a sort of therapy, it expresses some of the feelings i have in looking back over my former life, thought i would share.. a is for armageddon.
in which we though wed die.
if we didnt believe in.
inspired by the poisonwood bible, my life as a watch tower missionary and tales of truthful jehovah's witness wives:.
i pray god will forgive me.
i hate my husband.. once i was crazy about nathan.
Dear CoCo
Nathan is a product of years of training by the mysoginist WTS who want their married women followers to be submissive little mice, doing everything for their lord and master husbands, putting up with all kinds of neglect and abuse and most importantly, to keep quiet about it all.
Nathan is a victim too just as his dear wife Betty is.