Hi Searching. My husband and I left the org together so I haven't been through an exact situation like yours. But I have lost my family because we faded and my now 20 year old son has also lost the company of all his JW cousins and friends. (We've been shunned for over two years now) I have asked my son a few times if he would rather that we stayed JWs so he could see his family and he says no way, he's so glad we left. And while it has been painful for me to lose my sister, brother and father, I feel that it was their choice to cut me off and their loss. I would never ever think of going back to being a JW just to have that kind of conditional love shown to me.
So Searching the only advice I can offer you is this. With each year that passes you realise just how short this life really is. You also begin to realise that you can't be really happy by living your life a certain way just to keep others happy. It's your life and you deserve the freedom to make your own choices as to how you want to live it. And if others (especially those who are supposed to love and support you the most) would rather show loyalty to a religious cult/organisation than their own flesh and blood then it is their choice and their loss.
Wishing you all the best in this difficult situation