Goddess - what you say about a JW family knowing their love is conditional is so true. I believe that many JW parents (not all) use the JW fear and guilt tactics in the place of good parenting, and dole out their love and approval conditionally depending on whether you are a good little JW or not that day. Looking back it felt like that to me growing up as a JW child/teenager - every minor childhood demeanor was viewed through the lens of JW'dom and so became a major deal that would make Jehovah angry and bring shame on the family. I felt that I was never good enough (often being compared to other JW children) and grew up with this tremendous sense of guilt and shame. I would overhear my parents running me down behind my back. The thing is in reality I did well at school, was zealous for 'the truth' and never did anything to bring 'shame' on my family. On the other hand my father was an secret alcoholic and had an affair with a sister in the cong while he was PO!
On the other hand in most normal non JW families, children grow up secure in the knowledge of their parents unconditional love and support. That does not mean there is no discipline or punishment, but there is a real sense of love and approval that builds a child's self esteem.
Yet in spite of being treated like I was, as a teenager and adult it was always me who was there non-stop for my parents in their sicknesses and business troubles. Right up until my father told me in January this year he was cutting me off, I was cooking meals and doing baking for him (my mum died 4 years ago) and other things to help him out. I was also doing a lot to help my brother (and his family) who has been in and out of hospital many times in the last few years.
But that means nothing to a JW if you decide not to be one anymore. I was told I was Satanic, demonised, have lost all my intelligence, was never really in the truth, am deceitful and a whole lot of other sarcastic, insulting things that are totally untrue. It leaves you reeling, because in spite of everything we were a close family who did have many good times together. 49 years of being a dutiful, obedient, loving caring daughter to my father and sister to my brother and sister means absolutely nothing because I uttered the words that I don't want to be a JW anymore. They spit you out into the trash like a piece of spoiled food. That is conditional love at it's best.