I just went back and read the first paragraph. Talk about using a fear inspiring apocalyptic scenario to get the readers mind into the necessary fearful state to obey the following instructions on family study.
inspired by the other thread on the family worship arrangement and by a request for printed information here are scans from the latest wt about this arrangment.
the article starts off by using a favourite wts tactic - fear!.
I just went back and read the first paragraph. Talk about using a fear inspiring apocalyptic scenario to get the readers mind into the necessary fearful state to obey the following instructions on family study.
i have been looking at this website for about 2 months now and feel i am now ready to say hi and intoduce myself.i dont want to give out too much info at this point in time as i still am in the org, but have only been to 2 meetings since the district convention in august and last time i went out on service was in march.
i was basically raised in the truth as my parents became jw when i was 2. i was married in my late teens and after 21 years of being married to a total control freak he left me (yay).
anyway since me ex left, i had been doing a lot of thinking about being a witness, and i wasnt really going to a lot of meetings - just didnt feel like it.
nearlyfree - just want to say Hi and welcome from Brisbane. Hope all goes well with your plan. It's not always an easy road out of the WTS but it is certainly worth it.
All the best
just have to share with you how proud i am of my little java.
she's been so brave her first night with me.
she eats, goes to her toilet, playes and she's so diligent with cleaning herself.. she comes from a place with many cats so of course she walks around and cries after her friends but as soon as i call her she comes running to be close to me.
Java sounds adorable Newborn. Any pics?
i'm trying to gather data on ex-jws to analyze for a statistics class.
i'd appreciate it if you'd click the link and take my short survey.
it's only 7 questions and is anonymous.. .
Added my info
All the best
god i hope so!.....cause i partied my ass off all weekend at one, hooked up with my old gf who omg is still smokin hot!!!
(i was in way over my head back then and still am prob) but we made a damm fine lookin couple (i was told by many) as many of you facebook friends of mine now already know....ok maybe changing my avatar to a pic with me and her all yummy was a bit much....but i really dont give a damm anymore...as you can tell by me also switching my status from married to complicated!!!.
well...its been complicated for four years, and that should have been my status all along....i have so wanted to avoid the pain of hurting a very nice jw woman/person/wife..........but also losing my parents and son, and any of the few friends that may still speak with me on occasion....but i have known i can not keep living like i have the past four years...i just cant do it.
It seems the danger with these reunions might be that you get to see what's behind the door marked freedom. But then again that could be a good thing.
You only get one life (as far as I know) and only you can live it. So you may as well live it happily.
All the best
I remember one DO (Bill Whitehead) gave a talk at a CA once - can't remember the theme but I do remember it was a ranting and raving type of talk, something along the lines of the staying faithful/enduring/doing more thing. Anyway during it he said basically don't worry about it if you or one of your loved ones has a terminal illness. So what you if you die - it's like getting into the new system via the underground.
Even though at the time I was still a 100% committed JW I thought that was very wrong.
Is everything alright Co Co?
Yes I have been 'empty' quite a few times. I think there are some of us who feel compelled to give of ourselves all the time until there is no more left to give.
in convasation with a american recently i was introduced to the horrific concept of putting cream in tea?!?
they in turn were appaulled by the idea of milk in tea with 12 sugars ( al la builders tea).. so before i put the kettle on, how do you take your tea?.
( mine is english breakfast, milk no sugar, middle strenght).
Tetley tea, milk, no sugar, mid strength. And not too much milk please but not too little either. And I like it hot. The tea that is.
Hopscotch (aka Goldilocks when it comes to tea)
i was looking through a relatives photo album last weekend and saw pictures of their trip to an international convention in asia in the early 1990s.
on the final day the local bro & sis were all holding placards with phrases such as see you in paradise.. that reminded me of the last international i went to in sydney about 5 years ago, same thing happened on the last day, similar placards with similar phrases.
there was also a lot of random hugging of bro & sis in international costumes.
Thank you wantstoleave and Mattieu.
My husband and I never attended that convention. Looking back I think we were already in semi fade mode by then (though we didn't realise it at the time). I know we felt disgusted at the amount of time and money it would cost everyone to get down to Sydney for it. Cairns was the other option but that's even further away from Brisbane.
In one way or another the JW cult has robbed me of my entire family. My mother dead as I mentioned before and since January the rest of my family has shunned me.
So as far as I concerned they can keep their 'paradise' full of conditional love and evil policies. I'd better stop now before I say rude things about what else they can do with their paradise!
I remember watching an interview with Gregory Peck about this movie and it was mentioned that the children in the movie were not professional actors, just everyday children.
I found this paragraph about them on the Audiophile Audition website.
"The process of selecting and working with the child actors is an absorbing subject. They wanted real kids from the South and what a wise decision it was to use them instead of professional actors. Thousands were interviewed. Mary Badham (Scout) remained friends with Peck until his death. Always they addressed each other as Scout and Atticus. Mary Badham had no experience acting. Gregory Peck created the kind of comfortable relationship with the child actors that brought out their excellent performances."
It was a brilliant movie and I loved Scout in it.