JoinedTopics Started by KidKool
Showed the new JW cartoon to my non-witness Girlfriend- Take 2
by KidKool inallright my first post messed up and i lost it some kind of way.
haven't posted on here in along time, obviously don't know how to anymore.. trying again.. so i was raised a jw, da for over a decade, of course estranged from parents and jw family, have a teenage son from a previous relationship.. anyways, i wanted to see what someone who had no first hand knowledge of the jws would think.
so i showed my non-jw girlfriend the obey jehovah (go sparlock!
And Jesus Will Answer, "I Know You Not!"
by cameo-d inmatthew 7:.
21not every one that saith unto me, lord, lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven.. 22many will say to me in that day, lord, lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
and in thy name have cast out devils?
Santa Claus
by Joshnaz ini was thinking about if i should start telling my 2 year old about santa claus.
after realizing that i've been lied to my whole life from all the jw bullcrap should i lie to my child about santa claus?
do you think its ok to say, "be good or santa wont bring you any toys this christmas.
so I was listening to christian radio this morning. . .
by John Doe inyeah, don't laugh.
anyway, they went on and on nonstop about how we should all be grateful and how we are a bunch of spoiled brats and how it personally offends god if we are not grateful.
i couldn't help but chuckle.
Demonic Possesion of Inaminate Objects
by cantleave inthis is a phenonoma often discussed by jw's.
how unique is this idea to jw's?.
anyone got any good stories on this subject?.
The Final Nail in the Coffin of your JW Career
by jookbeard ini know there has been countless threads on this, some say the paedophile scandal, others say the blood ban, some say the conduct of their elders, others say the petty rules etc.
but there is usually one thing that seals every one's fate, tips you over the edge,finishes you off.i was fading, very closely to full inactivity, off the book study list, and very sporadic meeting attendance, which took me to the very last time i set foot in my kingdumb hall, this is what happened;.
it was the memorial of 1994, i hadn't set foot in the place for months, but thought a show at the memorial would keep the wife happy and the elders at bay for a bit longer, i drove to the hall being careful not to get there too early(the wife was already there and had saved me a seat) i walked up to my seat about mid way in the hall so a lot could see me, it was packed probably about 200 there, as i sat down ( about 3/4 mins to go) a sister in front of me turned around and said"we haven't seen you in a long time!
Are Jehovah's Witness men good catches?
by garyneal ini've stated this before on this message board but i was kind of curious about this and wanted to get some feedback from the group.
in particular, the ladies who are either current or former jw's.. about a year or so ago, my wife went with me to a church i was attending at the time.
we then later that morning attended a kh meeting.
JWs just came to my door and didn't even knock
by hemp lover ini was working in the back room of my house, transcribing an interview with lara logan (she's fascinating), when my dogs started barking at the front door.
i ignored it for 30 seconds, because that's just what they do.
figured it was a cat or the mailman.