Barbara, you just earned an(other) amdirer!
While I understand the feelings behind some comments, I see that some people here get easily carried away and start acting in the way they so much critize the WTS for acting.
For nearly two decades, as an elder, temporarily at Bethel, as a Traveling Overseer, I saw many times -almost all of the time- the WTS taking care of people, myself and my family. Even after we had to leave the circuit work, and go to a 'normal life' (not in the 'full time service' at all), they had an extremely generous gesture and gave us practical ($) help when our family faced an adversity.
Yes, I also know (and have seen) stories of people treated not so fairly in my view. As an active witness an elder, I am at the point where "I have come to doubt / all that I once held as true" (with regards to Paul Simon). But I refuse to oscillate to the other end and become a JW hater. I admire people like you, who take a stance but keep balance. Believe me, an objective critic is a rare gem.