Conditional friendship based on the allegiance to a man-made organization is not a real or healthy friendship.
If dishonesty drives you mad, you will be lying to yourself thinking you have real friends by making 'insta-friends' via Watchtower (or is it JW.ORG) membership.
Laika, glad to read you just needed a thread to validated your choices.
My mother, brother, sisters, their significant others as well as most of my extended family have not spoken to me or my wife and have never met or asked about my almost 3 year old son, or pup since leaving the Watchtower Bible Tract Soceity over five and half years ago. I obviously lost most of my family and all my friends after being a part since birth and for decades.
Yet, I would never-ever, consider being a part of Jehovah's Witnesses again. My ethics and morales would not allow me to stoop so low and be a part of their hypocrisy and blood-guilt:
-How many children have died from the no blood Watchtower stance?
-How long were women told they are worthy of ever-lasting destruction and fornicators if they did not cry out when being raped?
-How many years was accepting organ transplants equal to being cannibalistic?
-How many were told not to pursue a career in this dying 'system of things' nearly half a century ago?
-How many people died in Africa for refusal of a political card, while men in Mexico were giving the ok?
-How many were disfellowshipped for not toeing the line, while the Watchtower Society was a NGO member of the United Nations, riding the 'Wild Beast'?
That's just the tip of the iceberg. Ignoring the above to have a conditional, turn on you faster than a flip of a switch, "friend" or "friends" is not worth it in any shape or form.